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James Le Cuirot chewi

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chewi / validation_sentences.rb
Created October 13, 2011 11:03
Make Rails use full sentences in validation messages.
module I18n
module Backend
module Base
def load_file_with_sentences(filename)
load_file_without_sentences(filename).tap do |data|
unless Rails.configuration.paths["config/locales"].expanded.include?(filename)
data.each do |locale, d|
if d and d.key?("errors")
chewi / make-the-tea
Last active January 9, 2019 20:16
Script to create Gentoo icedtea-bin tarballs
#!/bin/bash -e
source /lib/gentoo/ || true
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "usage: $0 /usr/portage/packages/dev-java/icedtea-X.X.X.X.tbz2 [-rX]"
exit 1
chewi / armhf-migrate.bash
Last active January 12, 2020 22:28
Migrates a Gentoo ARM system from the old style tuple (CHOST) to the new style tuple ending in hf.
# Abort if things go wrong. Very important!
set -ex
# Fetch the old CHOST from make.conf or profile.
OLD_CHOST=$(portageq envvar CHOST)
# The new CHOST needs to end in hf. The vendor part doesn't really
# matter as long as it's not softfloat or softfp but the convention is