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chill117 /
Last active December 13, 2021 22:02
Bash script to perform backups on one or more MySQL databases.
# Use this script to perform backups of one or more MySQL databases.
# Databases that you wish to be backed up by this script. You can have any number of databases specified; encapsilate each database name in single quotes and separate each database name by a space.
# Example:
# databases=( '__DATABASE_1__' '__DATABASE_2__' )
chill117 / ExtendHttpSupport.php
Last active December 20, 2015 23:38
Adds support for PUT verb in CodeIgniter; populates PHP's $_POST data super global with data for PUT requests.
<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
Adds support for PUT verb in CodeIgniter; populates PHP's $_POST data
super global with data for PUT requests.
chill117 / HostNameRouter.php
Last active January 10, 2025 14:54
Manage multiple hostnames (domains, sub-domains) within a single instance of CodeIgniter.
<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
Manage multiple hostnames (domains, sub-domains) within a single instance of CodeIgniter.
If you had the following domain/sub-domain style for your site:
chill117 / shell_helper.php
Created July 11, 2013 00:36
Provides the command_exists() method, which will test to see if the given shell command exists.
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
| Description
Provides the command_exists() method, which will test to see if
the given shell command exists.
chill117 / roman_numerals_helper.php
Created July 11, 2013 00:31
Converts an Arabic Numeral to Roman Numeral. Works for 1 through 4999.
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
| Description
Converts an Arabic Numeral to Roman Numeral.
chill117 / time_format_helper.php
Last active December 19, 2015 14:48
Quick, handy time format functions. Useful for GUIs or whenever a human-friendly time format is preferred over a timestamp or machine-readable date-time format.
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
| Description
Quick, handy time format functions. Useful for GUIs or whenever
a human-friendly time format is preferred over a timestamp or
chill117 / cache_buster_helper.php
Created July 11, 2013 00:10
Force client browser to download fresh CSS/JS file whenever the file is modified on the server.
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
| Description
Force client browser to download fresh CSS/JS file whenever
the file is modified on the server.
chill117 /
Last active December 17, 2015 12:19
Extend jQuery with the .center() method. Allows you to easily center element(s) within a container (or the viewport).
| Description
Extend jQuery with the .center() method. Allows you to easily
center element(s) within a container (or the viewport).