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chrisross / curl_create_repo_github
Created April 28, 2013 04:57
A set of shell commands to quickly remotely create a github repo, init/add all/commit in the current directory and push to the aforementioned remote. (using Github's Repo API v3 and cURL)
curl -u <username_here> -d '{"name":"curltest", "description": "testing description"}'
=> Enter passphrase:
// Example test case(below):
cd <local_repo_dir_path>
mkdir curltest
cd curltest
git init
touch curltest.txt
subl& culrtest.txt
chrisross / curl_delete_repo_bitbucket
Created April 28, 2013 05:01
A shell command for deleting a Bitbucket repository (using cURL and BitBucket's Repositories API v1)
curl -u <username_here><username_here>/<repo_slug> -X DELETE
chrisross / curl_create_repo_bitbucket
Created April 28, 2013 05:06
This shell command is how you can remotely create a git repo on your bitbucket account using cURL (and Bitbucket's Repositories API v1)
curl -X POST -u <username_here> -d "name=repo_example&description=testing+description&is_private=true&scm=git" --verbose
=> Enter passphrase:
chrisross / static_haml_helpers.rb
Last active July 17, 2016 13:38
Custom helper methods to enhance Haml templating in non-Rails projects, ideally combined with guard or Sinatra applications (in this case the partial method would be simplified)
require 'haml' unless defined?(Haml)
module Haml::Helpers
def slugify(str)
# Usage in haml document:
# = doc_root 6..10, :class => 'no-js', :lang => "en"
chrisross /
Last active August 18, 2019 01:04
Functions to init/delete a remote repo using bitbucket or github, using cURL and respective APIs.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
function gitsetup {
# Collect parameters
local params=()
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
case "${1}" in
echo "Usage: gitsetup -H bitbucket -u username -d 'A description' -t repo_title"
chrisross / compile_haml_sass_rake_tasks_Rakefile
Created May 30, 2013 06:44
This pair of files are a crude attempt at providing a backup method of compiling static projects' source files (HAML and Sass) using the ease of rake tasking from the commandline.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'yaml'
# Load _config.yaml file
Conf = YAML.load_file File.join(Dir.pwd, 'rake_config.yaml')
# Paths
ROOT = Conf['root'] == '/' ? File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) : Conf['root']
SRC_DIR = File.join ROOT, (Conf['source'] || 'src')
chrisross / haml_sass_compass_coffee.rb
Last active March 3, 2016 11:57
This guardfile configuration combined with haml_helpers to enhance haml are a basic means to generate a static website using preprocessor languages CoffeeScript, Haml, and Sass; and the Compass framework; and the uglifier compression tool.
# Config
root = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))
input, output = %w{src site}
haml_ext = "\.haml"
all_on_start = true
# Validate
unless, input))
abort('No source directory found, cannot continue')
module Colors
def colorize(text, color_code)
:black => 30,
:red => 31,
:green => 32,
:yellow => 33,
chrisross / gcd_sass_script.scss
Last active February 23, 2023 23:27
This Sass (SCSS) function utilises the Greated Common Divisor (gcd) to reduce duplicate styles.
// Algorithm to calculate the Lowest Common Denominator
@function gcd($a, $b){
@if $b == 0 {
@return $a;
} @else {
@return gcd($b, $a%$b);
// Example Use-case:
chrisross / gcd_sass_extension.rb
Last active March 3, 2016 11:55
This sass extension utilises the Greated Common Divisor (gcd) algorithm to reduce duplicate styles, especially when making your own grid system.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# To implement extension, run this command in a shell:
# $ sass -i -r ./gcd_sass_extension.rb
# Or require it in compass config
# require './gcd_sass_extension'
module Sass::Script::Functions
# Uses the 'greatest common divisor' algorithm to work out if a fraction