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Christopher Keele christhekeele

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christhekeele / pre-commit
Last active May 3, 2016 00:19
Ever committed with `gem 'foobar', path: '~/source'` in your Gemfile and broken a build?This git pre-commit hook ensures you never will again.If you try and commit while a gem in your Gemfile is loading with the `:path` option, you will be stopped with a helpful message. The only exception: gems embedded within your project are allowed.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# A pre-commit hook script to ensure that no local gem dependencies (gem 'asdf', path: '~/local')
# exist in your Gemfile before commiting.`
# Allows gems to be loaded from source within the current project directory, but not from outside.
puts 'Checking for local dependencies in your Gemfile.'
ROOT_PATH = File.expand_path('../../..', __FILE__)
NESTED_GEMSPECS = Dir["#{ROOT_PATH}/**/*.gemspec"]
GEMFILE = ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] || File.join(ROOT_PATH, 'Gemfile')
christhekeele /
Last active May 16, 2023 10:27
Allowable: A Ruby gem DSL for compound conditionals.


A micro-gem DSL for compound conditionals.

Allowable lets you decompose large/long conditional chains into readable, testable, and inspectable segments with Ruby blocks.


christhekeele / prime.ex
Last active May 5, 2017 10:54
Infinite Prime Generator in Elixir
# Elixir v1.0.2
defmodule Prime do
def stream do
Stream.unfold( [], fn primes ->
next = next_prime(primes)
{ next, [next | primes] }
end )
christhekeele / guard_helpers.ex
Last active September 1, 2020 20:48
A defguard macro written for Elixir v0.11.something a while back. I don't remember anything breaking at the time. Written for a library that was supposed to help AST transformations, in part by creating guards for particular AST constructs.
defmodule Guard.Helpers do
@moduledoc """
Tools for creating custom guards. Deprecated in favor of `Kernel.defguard`.
@doc """
Creates a macro that's aware of its presence in a guard.
Taken from,
christhekeele / pattern_match.ex
Last active January 2, 2016 12:59
Macro for testings pattern and guards in iex.
# Put in your .iex, and `require Pattern`
defmodule Pattern do
defmacro match?(pattern, input, code_block // []) do
code = Dict.get(code_block, :do, nil)
quote do
case unquote(input) do
unquote(pattern) ->
_ ->
christhekeele /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
My personal collection of styleguides, with rationalizations for most preferences.


These are my personally cultivated styleguides for different types of text (normally code or markup).

They're less about common conventions (ie. put single spaces between sentences or new lines between different contexts) and more about what syntax features to prefer or avoid in which contexts. As such, they expect the reader to be familiar with the language or markup in question. They are not suitable introductory material to a syntax.

Comments and discussion are welcome, otherwise I'd just keep these in my head instead of on a publicly available forum. I especially invite you to try and change my mind: these, like all opinions and code, are works in progress; not absolutes.

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in the OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY.

christhekeele / secret.rake
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
Rake task to reset your Rails Application's secret token.
namespace :secret do
desc "Replace application's secret_key_base in the secret_token initalizer with a new one"
task :reset do
# Rails default location
@secret_token_file ||= Rails.root.join('config', 'initializers', 'secret_token.rb')
# Find first string in file
@secret_token_finder ||= /(?<=config\.secret_key_base\s\=\s["'])(.*?)(?=["'])/, 'r+') do |file|
christhekeele / styles.less
Last active December 8, 2017 15:37
My custom git color styling for Atom
// Colors selected to match the Twilight theme
@git-added-color: #8F9D6A;
@git-modified-color: #7587A6;
@git-removed-color: #CF6A4C;
// Blur inactive windows .workspace {
-webkit-filter: blur(0.13em) hue-rotate(19deg);
christhekeele / quack.gemspec
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
Method contracts for Ruby. No more `if object.respond_to? :waddle and object.respond_to? :quack and object.respond_to?...` do |s| = 'quack'
s.summary = ''
s.description = ''
s.version = '0.0.1'
s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY
s.files = ['quack.rb']
s.require_path = '.'
christhekeele / ams-nested-listed-predicates-monkeypatch.rb
Created July 28, 2014 17:01
A monkey patch to ActiveModel::Serializers 0.9.0.alpha1 to add contextual awareness of nesting and listing.
require 'active_model/serializer/associations'
module ActiveModel
class Serializer
def initialize(object, options={})
@object = object
@scope = options[:scope]
@root = options.fetch(:root, self.class._root)
@meta_key = options[:meta_key] || :meta
@meta = options[@meta_key]