openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.orig.key 2048
openssl rsa -in server.orig.key -out server.key
openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr
- Select Apache (2.0) as the web server when downloading
- Unpack download into same dir as keys above
- Combine root CA certificate
cat gd_bundle.crt > final.crt
heroku certs:add final.crt server.key
# or if you're updating an existing
heroku certs:update final.crt server.key
Thanks for this although I received an "Invalid Public Key Certificate" error from Heroku when I followed these steps. I followed the step for creating the PEM file here to create the bundle.pem file given in Heroku's docs here.
cat server.key server.crt gd_intermediate.crt > bundle.pem heroku certs:add server.crt bundle.pem server.key