The main difference between the two pages is the method of sending messages. Recieving messages is the same in both.
Send messages to iframe using iframeEl.contentWindow.postMessage
Recieve messages using window.addEventListener('message')
<link rel="import" href="../topeka-elements/topeka-datasource.html"> | |
<link rel="import" href="../notification-elements/notification-alert.html"> | |
<link rel="import" href="../core-icon-button/core-icon-button.html"> | |
<link rel="import" href="../core-toolbar/core-toolbar.html"> | |
<link rel="import" href="../core-scroll-header-panel/core-scroll-header-panel.html"> | |
<polymer-element name="my-element"> | |
<template> | |
<style> |
<link rel="import" href="../core-scaffold/core-scaffold.html"> | |
<link rel="import" href="../core-header-panel/core-header-panel.html"> | |
<link rel="import" href="../core-menu/core-menu.html"> | |
<link rel="import" href="../core-item/core-item.html"> | |
<link rel="import" href="../core-icon-button/core-icon-button.html"> | |
<link rel="import" href="../core-toolbar/core-toolbar.html"> | |
<link rel="import" href="../core-menu/core-submenu.html"> | |
<link rel="import" href="../core-pages/core-pages.html"> | |
<polymer-element name="my-element"> |
<link rel="import" href="../core-drawer-panel/core-drawer-panel.html"> | |
<link rel="import" href="../core-menu/core-submenu.html"> | |
<link rel="import" href="../core-item/core-item.html"> | |
<link rel="import" href="../core-icon-button/core-icon-button.html"> | |
<link rel="import" href="../core-pages/core-pages.html"> | |
<polymer-element name="my-element"> | |
<template> | |
<style> |
<link rel="import" href="../polymer/polymer.html"> | |
<polymer-element name="my-element"> | |
<template> | |
<style> | |
:host { | |
position: absolute; | |
width: 100%; | |
height: 100%; |
<link rel="import" href="../core-drawer-panel/core-drawer-panel.html"> | |
<link rel="import" href="../core-menu/core-submenu.html"> | |
<link rel="import" href="../core-item/core-item.html"> | |
<link rel="import" href="../core-icon-button/core-icon-button.html"> | |
<link rel="import" href="../core-toolbar/core-toolbar.html"> | |
<link rel="import" href="../core-pages/core-pages.html"> | |
<polymer-element name="my-element"> | |
<template> |
<!DOCTYPE html> | |
<html> | |
<head> | |
<title>My Iframe</title> | |
</head> | |
<body> | |
<button>Botão</button> | |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
import config from '../config' | |
let components = {} | |
//For each component in the config fiel into an object | |
for (var i = config.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { | |
components[config[i].name] = require(config[i].path).default | |
} | |
export default components |
window.et_pb_smooth_scroll = function( $target, $top_section, speed, easing ) { | |
var $window_width = $( window ).width(); | |
$menu_offset = -1; | |
if ( $ ('#wpadminbar').length && $window_width > 600 ) { | |
$menu_offset += $( '#wpadminbar' ).outerHeight(); | |
} | |
//fix sidenav scroll to top |
/** | |
* Snap point (coords param) to roads | |
* The roads depend on the style of the map | |
* @param {Object Mapbox} map | |
* @param {Object feature.geometry.coordinates} coords | |
*/ | |
const snapToRoad = (map, coords) => { | |
// Coordinate to point conversion | |
let currentPoint = turf.point([coords.lng,]); | |
// Here we're only retrieving the road layers |