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cletusw / Flow.scpt
Created October 30, 2015 20:31
Change your background at a specific time (Mac OS X). Use `crontab -e` to edit your crontab:
tell application "Finder"
-- wrapped in a try block for error suppression
set mainDisplayPicture to "/Users/claytonwatts/Pictures/Flow.jpg"
-- set the picture for additional monitors, if applicable
tell application "System Events"
apply.whitespace fix
core.whitespace 'space-before-tab,-indent-with-non-tab,trailing-space'
core.ignorecase true
diff.renames copies
merge.ff only
merge.conflictstyle diff3
pull.ff only
push.default upstream
push.followTags true
rerere.enabled 1
cletusw / test
Last active September 26, 2016 16:56
cletusw / html-webpack-header-loader.js
Last active July 14, 2017 15:20
Add javascript to be added to the webpack-built JS file directly in your HTML (for declaring dependencies, etc.)
// template.html
<script type="text/javascript-webpack-header">
console.log('loaded template');
<h1>This is the template</h1>
cletusw / almost-amd-to-commonjs.js
Last active August 16, 2017 21:28
Codemod: AMD in CommonJS style -> CommonJS
* Run this with jscodeshift
* Live demo:
* Converts:
* define(function (require) {
* var React = require('react');
* const props = { foo: 'bar' };
* return React.createClass(props);
* });
cletusw / remove-top-use-strict.js
Last active August 16, 2017 21:39
Remove top-level `"use strict";`. It can cause problems with bundlers that concatenate scripts, and so is not a recommended practice.
module.exports = function transformer(file, api) {
const j = api.jscodeshift;
return j(file.source)
.find(j.ExpressionStatement).filter(path => (
path.parentPath.node.type === "Program" &&
path.value.expression.type === 'Literal' &&
path.value.expression.value === 'use strict'
.forEach(path => j(path).remove())
cletusw / amd-to-common.js
Created August 16, 2017 21:30
A codemod to transform amd style includes into commonjs includes
* Modified from
const buildRequire = (j, v, r) => {
let code = "";
if (v && v.type === "Identifier" && {
code += `const ${}`;
if (r && r.type === "Literal" && r.value.length) {
cletusw / each-with-this-to-arrows.js
Last active August 17, 2017 18:08
Converts underscore/lodash `.each()` with `this` context to use arrow functions.
* Converts underscore/lodash `.each()` with `this` context to use arrow functions.
* Run this with jscodeshift
* Live demo:
* Converts:
* _.each(array, function(item) {
* // ...
* }, this);
cletusw / each-with-context-to-bind.js
Created August 17, 2017 18:13
Converts underscore/lodash `.each()` with context to use Function.prototype.bind()
* Converts underscore/lodash `.each()` with context to use Function.prototype.bind()
* Run this with jscodeshift
* Live demo:
* Converts:
* _.each(array, function(item) {
* // ...
* }, context);
cletusw / angular-injection-to-import.js
Last active May 16, 2019 23:46
Converts the given angular injected parameter into an explicit require statement
* Converts the given angular injected parameter into an explicit require statement
* Run this with jscodeshift
* @example
* jscodeshift . --specifier='Auth' --source='application/Auth'
* Live demo:
* Converts: