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clneagu / .bashrc
Last active January 20, 2018 09:09 — forked from cjerdonek/.bashrc
# Call virtualenvwrapper's "workon" if .venv exists. This is modified from--
# which is linked from--
check_virtualenv() {
if [ -e .venv ]; then
env=`cat .venv`
if [ "$env" != "${VIRTUAL_ENV##*/}" ]; then
echo "Found .venv in directory. Calling: workon ${env}"
workon $env
clneagu / ver36.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:27 — forked from mwgamera/ver36.js
Alphanumeric derivative of Verhoeff check digit in javascript.
var Ver36 = function() {
"use strict";
var N = 18, N2 = N*2;
var d18_op; // D18 group operation table
var d18_inv; // D18 group inverse
var perm; // the permutation decomposed into cycles
var a2i,i2a; // ASCII translation tables
var NA=0xff; // invalid digit marker in ASCII table
// initialization code