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smiley codemasher

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codemasher / ws-forumtweak-nexus.css
Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
Some tweaks to the official WildStar forums ( for use with Stylebot/Tampermonkey (Chrome) or Stylish/Greasemonkey (Firefox) or any other CSS/JS injector for the browser of your choice. See also:
/* hyperlinks */
a, a:link {
cursor: pointer;
transition-property: all;
transition-duration: 0.5s;
.breadcrumb a, .ipsList_inline a, .ipsPad_top_slimmer a {
/* color: rgb(119, 119, 119);*/
codemasher / twitter-fixes.css
Last active January 3, 2016 17:19
Some little tweaks for the new Twitter web layout... (WIP)
.global-nav-inner {
background: rgba(0,0,0,0.75);
.modal-overlay, .profile-header-mask, .grid-overlay, .gallery-overlay {
background: rgba(0,0,0,0.8);
.home-tweet-box {
background: rgba(255,255,255,1.0);
codemasher / prototype-cors.js
Last active July 4, 2018 15:24
Enable CORS for prototype.js and get rid of the message "Refused to get unsafe header X-JSON"
* Enable CORS for prototype.js and get rid of the message "Refused to get unsafe header X-JSON"
* play with it:
* Created by Smiley <@codemasher> on 11.01.14.
// Enable CORS for Prototype:
// With this, the console will still tell you: Refused to get unsafe header "X-JSON"
* gw2staticmaps.php
* created: 26.09.13
function max_zoom($continent_id){
return $continent_id === 1 ? 7 : 6;
codemasher / gw2-forum-fluid.css
Last active December 19, 2015 02:38
Fluid Layout CSS Hack for the official Guild Wars 2 Forums
* Fluid Layout CSS Hack for the official Guild Wars 2 Forums
* This stylesheet will override the forums default style and set it to a fluid full width layout
* with increased font sizes for better readability at high resolutions.
* It will also fix a few quirks like the unusable language links on the top and margins around smileys,
* increases the size of editor textareas and hides the e-mail address in the forums overall header.
* (if you ever happen to make screenshots on the forums)
codemasher / gw2_worlds.json
Last active December 17, 2015 14:29
GW2 Worlds
{"world_id": 1001,"name_de": "Ambossfels","name_en": "Anvil Rock","name_es": "Roca del Yunque","name_fr": "Rocher de l\'enclume"},
{"world_id": 1002,"name_de": "Borlis-Pass","name_en": "Borlis Pass","name_es": "Paso de Borlis","name_fr": "Passage de Borlis"},
{"world_id": 1003,"name_de": "Jakbiegung","name_en": "Yak\'s Bend","name_es": "Declive del Yak","name_fr": "Courbe du Yak"},
{"world_id": 1004,"name_de": "Denravis Erdwerk","name_en": "Henge of Denravi","name_es": "Círculo de Denravi","name_fr": "Cromlech de Denravi"},
{"world_id": 1005,"name_de": "Maguuma","name_en": "Maguuma","name_es": "Maguuma","name_fr": "Maguuma"},
{"world_id": 1006,"name_de": "Hochofen der Betrübnis","name_en": "Sorrow\'s Furnace","name_es": "Fragua del Pesar","name_fr": "Fournaise des lamentations"},
{"world_id": 1007,"name_de": "Tor des Irrsinns","name_en": "Gate of Madness","name_es": "Puerta de la Locura","name_fr": "Porte de la folie"},
{"world_id": 1008,"name_de": "Jade-Steinbruch","name_en": "Jade Quarry","name_es"
codemasher / gw2_objectives.json
Last active December 17, 2015 14:19
GW2 WvW Objectives with translations de/es/fr and coordinates for use with the GW2 maps API
"3":{"score":25,"coords":[9606,15132],"type":"keep","name":{"de":"Tiefland","en":"Lowlands","es":"Vega","fr":"Basses terres"}},
"4":{"score":5,"coords":[10211,15437],"type":"camp","name":{"de":"Golanta-Lichtung","en":"Golanta Clearing","es":"Claro Golanta","fr":"Clairière de Golanta"}},
"5":{"score":5,"coords":[11226,13754],"type":"camp","name":{"de":"Pangloss-Anhöhe","en":"Pangloss Rise","es":"Colina Pangloss","fr":"Montée de Pangloss"}},
"6":{"score":5,"coords":[9850,13561],"type":"camp","name":{"de":"Speldan Kahlschlag","en":"Speldan Clearcut","es":"Claro Espeldia","fr":"Forêt rasée de Speldan"}},
"7":{"score":5,"coords":[11030,15559],"type":"camp","name":{"de":"Danelon-Passage","en":"Danelon Passage","es":"Pasaje Danelon","fr":"Passage Danelon"}},