This is compiled collection of common Japanese SFXes (sound effects or onomatopoeia).
This collection mostly uses Romaji transliterations. The original version was compiled for general public use but modified later for project-use. Some SFXs may be used in combination with other SFXs; some SFXs, or combinations thereof, may be written separately for emphasis within the same panel (example: do- ki-, ドッキッ ), but can be considered as part of the same action; some use repeated sub-elements or prolongation characters (ー) within them. All of the interjections can be written differently, usually to show particularly strong stimulation. For example, a cho in isolation is almost certainly a cut off version of chotto where the speaker was distracted from finishing the word. Prolongation of a character, on the other hand, often implies lazy, harsh or sloppy pronunciation, or even possibly a scream. Because of this, many SFXs can have multiple meanings and are dependent on the action drawn, as wel