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function move(state) {
return { move: 'right' }
"game": {
"id": "game-id-string"
"turn": 1,
"board": {
"height": 11,
"width": 11,
"food": [{
"x": 1,
function move(state) {
const head =[0];
function moveAsCoord(move, head) {
switch (move) {
case 'up':
return {x: head.x, y: head.y-1};
case 'down':
return {x: head.x, y: head.y+1};
case 'left':
return {x: head.x-1, y: head.y};
case 'right':
return {x: head.x+1, y: head.y};
function move(state) {
const head =[0];
const moves = ['up', 'down', 'left', 'right'];
for (const move of moves) {
const coord = moveAsCoord(move, head);
// We now know where this is going to be!
function offBoard(state, coord) {
if (coord.x < 0) return true;
if (coord.y < 0) return true;
if (coord.y >= state.board.height) return true;
if (coord.x >= state.board.height) return true;
return false; // If it makes it here we are ok.
function move(state) {
const head =[0];
const moves = ['up', 'down', 'left', 'right'];
for (const move of moves) {
const coord = moveAsCoord(move, head);
if (!offBoard(state, coord)) {
return {move: move};
function coordEqual(a, b) {
return a.x === b.x && a.y === b.y
function move(state) {
const head =[0];
const neck =[1];
const moves = ['up', 'down', 'left', 'right'];
for (const move of moves) {
const coord = moveAsCoord(move, head);
if (!offBoard(state, coord) && !coordEqual(coord, neck)) {
return {move: move};