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Chris Rawles crawles

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explanation_metadata = {
"inputs": {
"dayofweek": {
"input_tensor_name": "dayofweek:0",
"input_baselines": [baselines_mode[0][0]] # Thursday
"hourofday": {
"input_tensor_name": "hourofday:0",
"input_baselines": [baselines_mode[0][1]] # 8pm
crawles /
Created February 14, 2020 15:34
Run a preview in bigquery using the `head` command. Save the result to a pandas df.
from io import StringIO
def head(table, n=10):
head_list = !bq head --n $n --table $table
head_str = '\n'.join([head_list[1]] + head_list[3:-1])
return pd.read_csv(StringIO(head_str), delimiter="|").iloc[:, 1:-1]
df = head('publicdata:samples.natality')
def permutation_importances(est, X_eval, y_eval, metric, features):
"""Column by column, shuffle values and observe effect on eval set.
A similar approach can be done during training. See "Drop-column importance"
in the above article."""
def accuracy_metric(est, X, y):
"""TensorFlow estimator accuracy."""
eval_input_fn = make_input_fn(X,
# Get importances
importances = est.experimental_feature_importances(normalize=True)
df_imp = pd.Series(importances)
# Visualize importances.
N = 8
ax = (df_imp.iloc[0:N][::-1]
# Make predictions.
pred_dicts = list(est.experimental_predict_with_explanations(eval_input_fn))
df_dfc = pd.DataFrame([pred['dfc'] for pred in pred_dicts])
# Plot results.
ID = 182
example = df_dfc.iloc[ID] # Choose ith example from evaluation set.
TOP_N = 8 # View top 8 features.
sorted_ix = example.abs().sort_values()[-TOP_N:].index
ax = example[sorted_ix].plot(kind='barh')
params = {
'n_trees': 50,
'max_depth': 3,
'n_batches_per_layer': 1,
# You must enable center_bias = True to get DFCs. This will force the model to
# make an initial prediction before using any features (e.g. use the mean of
# the training labels for regression or log odds for classification when
# using cross entropy loss).
'center_bias': True
# Since data fits into memory, use entire dataset per layer. It will be faster.
# Above one batch is defined as the entire dataset.
n_batches = 1
est = tf.estimator.BoostedTreesClassifier(feature_columns,
# The model will stop training once the specified number of trees is built, not
# based on the number of steps.
est.train(train_input_fn, max_steps=100)
linear_est = tf.estimator.LinearClassifier(feature_columns)
# Train model.
linear_est.train(train_input_fn, max_steps=100)
# Evaluation.
result = linear_est.evaluate(eval_input_fn)
# Use entire batch since this is such a small dataset.
NUM_EXAMPLES = len(y_train)
def make_input_fn(X, y, n_epochs=None, shuffle=True):
def input_fn():
dataset =, y))
if shuffle:
dataset = dataset.shuffle(NUM_EXAMPLES)
# For training, cycle thru dataset as many times as need (n_epochs=None).
dataset = dataset.repeat(n_epochs)
example = dict(dftrain.head(1))
class_fc = tf.feature_column.indicator_column(tf.feature_column.categorical_column_with_vocabulary_list('class', ('First', 'Second', 'Third')))
print('Feature value: "{}"'.format(example['class'].iloc[0]))
print('One-hot encoded: ', tf.keras.layers.DenseFeatures([class_fc])(example).numpy())
# Feature value: "Third"
# One-hot encoded: [[0. 0. 1.]]