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# How to test packages to be included in nixpkgs
Thank you for helping us test packages to be included in nixpkgs!
If you want to test a PR, first, you need to fork the nixpkgs
To follow along, you first need to have Nix installed on your system.
I recommend the installer from Determinate Systems, which you can find
sbamin /
Last active November 5, 2021 21:31
Reset PATH in ~/.bash_profile such that PATH variable follows user-defined order of paths.
## add following to the end of ~/.bash_profile assuming ~/.bash_profile takes the precedence over ~/.profile (if present), ~/.bash_profile, or other bash configs.
## for zsh or other shells, you may need to tweak following code.
## Be careful "resetting" PATH variable and know the implications of PATH variable being either empty or missing critical system paths!
################################### SET PATH ###################################
## User specific environment and startup programs
## Rewriting PATH ##
## We want user and anaconda paths to precede system paths, esp. this string:
## /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin which contains
## most of system default libs,
taoliu /
Last active March 3, 2025 07:35
Merge multiple peak files (BED format) then call the consensus regions
# This script will find the consensus peak regions from peak files (in
# BED format) of multiple samples by:
# 1. Converting the peak file of each sample into non-overlapping 3
# cols BED file and concatenating them;
# 2. Sorting the concatenated file and Building a genome coverage
# track in BedGraph, of which the value (the 3rd col) indicates the
vasantm / reprod-plot-example.R
Created May 29, 2020 21:24
How to embed script name or a hash of it on a plot to allow to track plots and the scripts thar produced it in R, based on this question :
# code source for plotting
# get source filename SO quest:
# get source fielname answer:
# if you do use a hash, you will have to save these to a csv or write
# a DB, perhaps an sqlite file that has the entry
# for the source file and corresponding hash to keep track of the
# hashes or just use filename and proj_dir,
# and display that if you want to keep it simple,
# open and reproducible
sbamin / example_modulefile.lua
Created May 3, 2020 16:26
Advanced Modulefile using lua syntax
## Modulefile in lua syntax
## Author: Samir Amin
## Read about Lmod
michaelmhoffman / auto-insert-python.el
Last active August 25, 2020 14:47
Template for Python scripts
(defun new-copyright ()
"Generate new copyright string."
(format-time-string "Copyright %Y Michael M. Hoffman <[email protected]>"))
(define-auto-insert 'python-mode
"Description: "
"#!/usr/bin/env python3.6" \n
"\"\"\"" (setq basename (buffer-file-basename)) ": " str \n
"\"\"\"" \n \n
SALMON = "$BINS/salmon-0.14.0_linux_x86_64/bin/salmon"
rule all:
input: expand("quants/{dataset}/alevin/quants_mat.gz", dataset=DATASETS)
rule salmon_quant:
r1 = "reads/{sample}_1.fastq",
mdozmorov /
Created May 18, 2019 01:55
Check Phred offset
zcat $FILE | head -n 40 | awk '{if(NR%4==0) printf("%s",$0);}' | od -A n -t u1 | awk 'BEGIN{min=100;max=0;}{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) {if($i>max) max=$i; if($i<min) min=$i;}}END{if(max<=74 && min<59) print "Phred+33"; else if(max>73 && min>=64) print "Phred+64"; else if(min>=59 && min<64 && max>73) print "Solexa+64"; else print "Unknown score encoding";}'