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Charles Strahan cstrahan

  • Backtrace
  • Dallas, TX
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cstrahan / MapKata.txt
Created July 12, 2011 17:51 — forked from mattflo/MapKata.txt
Map Kata
Map Kata
* Given a simple grid, e.g. 10x10
* Given a game piece is placed somewhere on the grid, e.g. 5,5
* Given the piece canNOT be moved diagonally, e.g. one up, one left...
* Find all available squares the piece can move to in
** 1 move
** 2 moves
** etc...
** until you are thrilled with your solution or ready for something new
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Supported Operating Systems:
# - Arch Linux
# - RedHat Based (CentOS, ...)
# - Debian Based (Ubuntu, ...)
cstrahan / gist:1975217
Created March 4, 2012 22:49
Emacs Sr Speedbar
(require 'sr-speedbar)
(setq speedbar-frame-parameters
(width . 40)
(border-width . 0)
(menu-bar-lines . 0)
(tool-bar-lines . 0)
(unsplittable . t)
(left-fringe . 0)))
cstrahan /
Created March 19, 2012 16:07 — forked from scelis/
Add git information to your ZSH prompt.

Idiot-Proof Git Aliases

inoremap <silent> <Bar> <Bar><Esc>:call <SID>align()<CR>a
function! s:align()
let p = '^\s*|\s.*\s|\s*$'
if exists(':Tabularize') && getline('.') =~# '^\s*|' && (getline(line('.')-1) =~# p || getline(line('.')+1) =~# p)
let column = strlen(substitute(getline('.')[0:col('.')],'[^|]','','g'))
let position = strlen(matchstr(getline('.')[0:col('.')],'.*|\s*\zs.*'))
normal! 0
call search(repeat('[^|]*|',column).'\s\{-\}'.repeat('.',position),'ce',line('.'))
cstrahan / tabularize.vim
Created April 5, 2012 22:08 — forked from AndrewRadev/tabularize.vim
Tabularize mappings for specific use cases
" Tabularize mappings
" sa= -- align by equals
" sa> -- align by "=>"
" and so on. Note that any character can be entered and the mappings will
" attempt to align by that, in the simplest way possible.
" sa| -- equivalent to ":Tab/|"
cstrahan / tabularize.vim
Created April 10, 2012 02:39 — forked from AndrewRadev/tabularize.vim
Tabularize mappings for specific use cases
" Tabularize mappings
" sa= -- align by equals
" sa> -- align by "=>"
" and so on. Note that any character can be entered and the mappings will
" attempt to align by that, in the simplest way possible.
" sa| -- equivalent to ":Tab/|"
cstrahan /
Created April 11, 2012 00:22 — forked from wm/
TMUX Pairing

SSH setup for remote pairing

If Animal and Fozzie wanted to pair on Animals machine and they both have access to then they could use the following setup

  • Animal will have the following in ~/.ssh/config
Host tunnel_from_muppets
 RemoteForward 1235 localhost:22
cstrahan / copy_rtf.vim
Created April 12, 2012 15:42 — forked from zerowidth/copy_rtf.vim
copy a vim buffer or selection as syntax-highlighted RTF to the clipboard
" copy the entire buffer or selected text as RTF
" inspired by
" but only uses commands available by default on OS X.
" To set html conversion options, :help TOhtml
" And, undocumented, to set the font used,
" let g:html_font="Your Preferred Font"
function! CopyRTF(line1,line2)
if !executable('textutil')