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Charles Strahan cstrahan

  • Backtrace
  • Dallas, TX
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defunkt / test-spec-mini.rb
Created November 16, 2008 10:34
test/spec/mini 3
# test/spec/mini 3
# [email protected]
# file:lib/test/spec/mini.rb
def context(*args, &block)
return super unless (name = args.first) && block
require 'test/unit'
klass = ? ActiveSupport::TestCase : Test::Unit::TestCase) do
* UserType allowing easy saving of NHIbernate XmlDocument property.
* Example
* =======
* //Message.cs - Example class with a XmlDocument
* public class Message
* {
* public XmlDocument Body{get;set;}
require 'html2textile'
first_block = <<END
<div class="column span-3">
<h3 class="storytitle entry-title" id="post-312">
<a href="" rel="bookmark">Converting HTML to Textile with Ruby</a>
<span>23 November 2007</span>
bryanl / run_tags.rb
Created April 2, 2009 16:49 — forked from tobias/run_tags.rb <--- more info here
# A script to run ctags on all .rb files in a project. Can be run on
# the current dir, called from a git callback, or install itself as a
# git post-merge and post-commit callback.
CTAGS = '/opt/local/bin/ctags'
HOOKS = %w{ post-merge post-commit post-checkout }
HOOKS_DIR = '.git/hooks'
jbevain / BackingFieldResolver.cs
Created April 29, 2009 19:42
Code to resolve a property's backing field.
// BackingFieldResolver.cs
// Author:
// Jb Evain ([email protected])
// WARNING: code now lives in
// (C) 2009 Novell, Inc. (
Ball / xamltools.rb
Created August 22, 2009 16:06
require 'rubygems'
require 'builder'
require 'PresentationCore'
require 'PresentationFramework'
require 'System.Xml, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeytoken=b77a5c561934e089'
module XamlTools
include System::Windows
StringReader = System::IO::StringReader;
XamlReader = System::Windows::Markup::XamlReader
brianjlandau / gist:176754
Created August 28, 2009 02:59 — forked from defunkt/gist:162444
Rails Capistrano deploy using git as our deployment strategy. You'll need git version >= on your server for this to work.
# you'd obviously have more settings somewhere
set :scm, :git
set :repository, "[email protected]:defunkt/github.git"
set :branch, "origin/master"
set :migrate_target, :current # this tells capistrano where to run the migration. otherwise it would try to use the latest release directory (/path/to/app/releases/2012XXXXXXXXX)
set :use_sudo, false
set :ssh_options, {:forward_agent => true} # so you can checkout the git repo without giving the server access to the repo
set :rails_env, 'production'
# These are here to override the defaults by cap
retronym / generalised-type-constraints.scala
Created November 8, 2009 08:02
Demo of generalised type constraints in Scala 2.8
// scala 2.7 simple type constraint. This can only constrain a type parameter of this function.
// Below, in ListW.sumint28, we can't use this approach because we want to constrain T,
// a type param of the enclosing trait.
def sumint27A[T <: Int](l: List[T]) : Int = l.reduceLeft((a: Int, b: Int) => a + b)
trait IntLike[X] extends (X => Int)
object IntLike {
implicit val intIntLike: IntLike[Int] = new IntLike[Int] { def apply(x: Int) = identity(x) }
kneath /
Created November 18, 2009 21:42 — forked from defunkt/bundle.rake
Intelligent asset bundling for Rails (GitHub's asset bundling)

GitHub Javascript Strategy

Unless otherwise necessary (such as mobile development), the GitHub javascript codebase is based off jQuery. You can safely assume it will be included on every page.

File naming

  • All jquery plugins should be prefixed with jquery, such as jquery.facebox
  • All github-specific jquery plugins should be prefixed with jquery.github. Like jquery.github.repo_list.js
  • All page-specific files (that only run on ONE page) should be prefixed with page. page.billing.js
scelis /
Created November 27, 2009 20:16
Add git information to your ZSH prompt.