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-------- WHAT THIS DOES --------
Enables you to externally open a specific file in eclipse, and go to some line
that is, makes a link with href of
open absolute/path/tofile.ext in eclipse
and go to line 5
ctran / build.gradle
Created July 8, 2016 23:18 — forked from fikovnik/build.gradle
Building maven plugins by gradle
configurations {
dependencies {
compile "org.apache.maven:maven-core:$mavenVersion"
compile "org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:$mavenVersion"
compile 'org.apache.maven.plugin-tools:maven-plugin-annotations:3.4'
mavenEmbedder "org.apache.maven:maven-embedder:$mavenVersion"
node {
def maven32 = docker.image('maven:3.2-jdk-7-onbuild');
stage 'Mirror'
// First make sure the slave has this image.
// (If you could set your registry below to mirror Docker Hub,
// this would be unnecessary as maven32.inside would pull the image.)
// We are pushing to a private secure docker registry in this demo.
ctran / pipeline.groovy
Created April 27, 2018 06:37 — forked from paulchubatyy/pipeline.groovy
Jenkins pipeline to read the repository list for Github Organization and create multibranch pipeline projects for them
import org.kohsuke.github.*
* This pipeline uses the Jenkins Job DSL plugin to create the multi-branch pipelines
* for your Github Organization repositories.
* @see
* It does not consumes 5k requests in 6 minutes, but actually queries the Github API
* for the repositories in organization and creates the Multi-Branch Pipelines in Jenkins.
ctran / multi_brach_dsl_with_custom_strategy_and_script_path.groovy Jenkins Job DSL for a Multi-Branch Pipeline that includes Branch Source Strategy & custom Jenkinsfile script path
UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID()
multibranchPipelineJob("my_awesome_job") {
displayName "my awesome job"
description "multi-branch pipeline job thingy"
configure {
it / sources / 'data' / 'jenkins.branch.BranchSource' << {
source(class: 'jenkins.plugins.git.GitSCMSource') {
ctran /
Created May 31, 2019 22:14 — forked from twolfson/
Setting up SOPS

I'm learning about SOPS and setting it up as my preferred mechanism for storing secrets. Here are my notes.


It’s security mechanism is that we (i.e. client) use a PUBLIC key from the receiver (i.e. server) and encode it with a random key (I’m saying nonce but it could be reused)

This varies from RSA and SSH because the server uses a PUBLIC key to identify the client.

Web of trust

Web of trust operates by still using PGP (i.e. encoding with recipient’s public key) but additionally, we can encrypt/sign the data as our own by signing it with the client’s private key.

This means the recipient will initially decrypt via our (i.e. client’s) public key (verifying the source) and then decrypting via their (i.e. server’s) private key to get the data.

ctran / config.yml
Created March 15, 2023 13:43 — forked from rwp0/config.yml
GH CLI Transfer Repository Ownership Alias
# ~/.config/gh/config.yml
# What protocol to use when performing git operations. Supported values: ssh, https
git_protocol: https
# What editor gh should run when creating issues, pull requests, etc. If blank, will refer to environment.
# When to interactively prompt. This is a global config that cannot be overridden by hostname. Supported values: enabled, disabled
prompt: enabled
# A pager program to send command output to, e.g. "less". Set the value to "cat" to disable the pager.