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Brian Cunnie cunnie

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Amit-PivotalLabs /
Last active August 20, 2024 07:31
BOSH Links: Why and How
Gerg / user_array.rb
Last active July 15, 2020 18:39
Acceptance script for CAPI user testing
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'pp'
admin: 'admin',
admin_read_only: 'admin_read_only',
global_auditor: 'global_auditor',
cert_names=`credhub curl -p /api/v1/certificates | jq '.certificates | .[].name'`
for cert in $cert_names; do
cert_json=`credhub get -n $cert --output-json`
echo $cert_json | jq '.value | .ca' -r > /tmp/tmpca
echo $cert_json | jq '.value | .certificate' -r > /tmp/tmpcert
if [[ $(< /tmp/tmpca) != "null" ]]; then
jrussett /
Last active March 4, 2019 19:48
Example Terraform file for creating NSX-T Load Balancer to handle ingress traffic into a CF deployment. Warning: This file assumes that the other NSX-T resources required for a CF install, such as the T0/T1 routers, IP pools, etc.., have already been created. Without those primitives, terraform apply will not succeed.
# Resources #
# Active Health Monitors
resource "nsxt_lb_http_monitor" "lb_web_monitor" {
description = "The Active Health Monitor (healthcheck) for Web (HTTP(S)) traffic."
display_name = "${var.nsxt_lb_web_monitor_name}"
monitor_port = 8080
request_method = "GET"
request_url = "/health"