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dancompton / timestamp.go
Created October 5, 2015 21:48 — forked from bsphere/timestamp.go
UNIX timestamps in Golang
package timestamp
import (
type Timestamp time.Time
dancompton / gist:9f6e3b4a09f1caf2c44d
Created October 10, 2015 23:15
Bruteforce saucey promocodes
package main
import (
log ""
import collections
import pprint
import operator
d = collections.defaultdict(int)
z = {}
print 'total chars:',len(original)
for c in original:
dancompton / exponentialbackoff.go
Created February 22, 2016 23:20
Exponential backoff that takes a clojure
// something like
type clj func() (interface{}, error)
func DoWithBackoff(retries int, fn clj) (interface{}, error) {
for try := 0; try < retries; try++ {
output, err := fn()
if err != nil || try < 6 { // Todo(you) remove || try < 6
log.WithError(err).Error("Failed to execute.")
} else {
dancompton / gist:c1b8d5ed441efa64b8bf
Created February 27, 2016 01:24
simple golang bruteforcer
//used something like this in a disclosure to regarding bruteforcing
package main
import (
dancompton / Makefile
Last active June 23, 2021 18:21
old makefile
# CONTAINER_TAG is git revision unless overriden by YOURPROJ_VERSION
CONTAINER_TAG := $(shell git rev-parse HEAD)
ifeq ($(YOURPROJ_VERSION), "")
CONTAINER_NAME := "docker/yourproj"
CONTAINER_PORTS := "7000:7000"
all: clean deps build
dancompton / bitflags.go
Last active June 27, 2016 22:28
gogo protobuf plugin that generates helper like funcs like Uint64() for bitflag message types (iow messages consisting of only bool fields)
Given the protobuf below, generates the following funcs so that the message can be used as bitflags:
func (this *User) UInt64() uint64 {
b := uint64(0)
if this.ScopeA {
b |= uint64(1) << uint64(0)
if this.ScopeB {
b |= uint64(1) << uint64(1)
set -e
if [ -n "`$SHELL -c 'echo $ZSH_VERSION'`" ]; then
# assume Zsh
elif [ -n "`$SHELL -c 'echo $BASH_VERSION'`" ]; then
# assume Bash
grammar Jsonnet;
: expr EOF
: value=(NULL | TRUE | FALSE | SELF | DOLLAR | STRING | NUMBER ) # Value
| '(' expr ')' # Parens
| '{' objinside? '}' # Object
package bitflags
import (