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dansimau /
Created November 12, 2010 15:14
Shell script that reads LDIF data from STDIN and outputs as CSV.
# Converts LDIF data to CSV.
# Doesn't handle comments very well. Use -LLL with ldapsearch to remove them.
# 2010-03-07
# [email protected]
# Show usage if we don't have the right params
dansimau /
Created February 24, 2011 16:31
A bash script/template for adding multi-processing to something (ie. another script)
# A bash script/template for adding multi-processing to "stuff".
# Designed to be used for syncing files though. Takes "strings of stuff" (eg.
# filenames) into a queue, flattens duplicates, then spawns a worker after a
# few seconds that calls the processing script with the "stuff" as params.
# [email protected]
# 2011-02-24
dansimau / gist:842415
Created February 24, 2011 16:41
Bash function for running a command, checking the return code, and re-trying it x times after y sleep seconds.
# "<cmd>" <retry times> <retry wait>
dansimau /
Created August 3, 2011 12:31
Display realtime bandwidth usage for a given interface (Linux only)
# Display the realtime bandwidth usage for the specified interface.
# [email protected]
# 2011-08-03
# Number of seconds to average data over
dansimau /
Created September 20, 2011 09:25
Test scripts for comparing the performance of declaring and instantiating classes dynamically in PHP using eval versus including from files.
mkdir $1 || exit
while [ $c -lt $1 ]; do
cat <<EOF >"$1/Foo_$c.php"
Class Foo_$c
function __construct() {
dansimau /
Created October 13, 2011 12:52
Takes a list of URLs from a file, curls them and saves the load times to a CSV file
[ "$3" == "-v" ] && VERBOSE=1
usage() {
echo "Usage: $0 <file of URLs> <number of requests to do per URL> [-v]" >&2
dansimau /
Created October 28, 2011 11:31
Launches program as a daemon and keeps it running. Adds log and pid file support to the program.
# Daemoniser: starts a program as a daemon and relaunches it if it exits. Adds a pidfile and
# logfile capabilities.
# [email protected]
# 2011-10-28
dansimau /
Created December 23, 2011 11:01
Ping a host and output each reply in CSV format
# Do a ping and output results as CSV.
# [email protected]
# 2011-12-23
if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 [--add-timestamp] <ping host>"
dansimau /
Created January 9, 2012 10:57
Wrapper for pgpools' pcp tools to help you manage your pgpool setup and postgresql cluster. See usage in the comment below.
# pgpool-II replication manager
# Interfaces with pgpool's pcp command-line tools to provide access to common functions for managing
# load-balancing and failover.
# [email protected]
# 2011-08-28
dansimau /
Created January 9, 2012 11:58
Calculate the replication lag between postgresql master and one or more slaves in streaming replication mode.
# Show replication lag for one or more postgresql slaves in streaming replication.
# [email protected]
# 2012-01-09
psql="which psql"