A choropleth map of Oklahoma showing the hispanic population statewide. This is an updated vesion of work I published for Oklahoma Watch. It uses D3 and TOPOJSON to render the map from data collected by Katherine Borgerding and Juan Sanchez.
This is a choropleth map of the US using datamaps that shows the medicaid expansion status of each state. Originally created in Google Fusion and published on Oklahoma Watch, this is a more advanced and aesthetically pleasing version.
The Oklahoma State Budget presented using a sunburst partition rendered in D3. Zoom and labeling are present, but create problems. Because of the cluster of text I created a restricting radio button that limits the text on command for less clutter. Data for 2010-2011 needs to be updated to allow for more visualizations.
The lake elevation of Thunderbird for the last two years. The Line chart is rendered with D3, and has a red area underneath the average elevation.
My attempt to create a timeline slider applied to a choropleth map showing the amount of medicaid spending by county for the state of Oklahoma from 2000 to 2010. Data courtesy of the Oklahoma Policy Institute.
A continuation of my original post. This time with student teacher ratio and an expanded timeline. I'm going to be upgrading this one to version 2.0 of a time slider with a map. Data courtesy of the Oklahoma Policy Institute.
An example of a continuous gradient key that can be adopted whenever there is a need for a gradient coloring scheme.
There is a bug in the color change. I don't know why. The entire thing gives me console errors. If anyone knows how to fix please tell me.
This is a simple circle class replicated in PHP from C#. - PHP file
This is a simple implementation of a textbook inventory program in PHP from C# - PHP file