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Anders dataders

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scmx /
Last active March 10, 2025 06:40
Using <details> <summary> expandable content on GitHub with Markdown #details #summary #markdown #gfm #html

How to use <details> <summary> expandable content on GitHub with Markdown

Firstly, what is <details> <summary>?

The HTML Details Element (<details>) creates a disclosure widget in which information is visible only when the widget is toggled into an "open" state. A summary or label can be provided using the <summary> element.


dfalster / addNewData.R
Last active February 19, 2023 00:29
The function addNewData.R modifies a data frame with a lookup table. This is useful where you want to supplement data loaded from file with other data, e.g. to add details, change treatment names, or similar. The function readNewData is also included. This function runs some checks on the new table to ensure it has correct variable names and val…
##' Modifies 'data' by adding new values supplied in newDataFileName
##' newDataFileName is expected to have columns
##' c(lookupVariable,lookupValue,newVariable,newValue,source)
##' Within the column 'newVariable', replace values that
##' match 'lookupValue' within column 'lookupVariable' with the value
##' newValue'. If 'lookupVariable' is NA, then replace *all* elements
##' of 'newVariable' with the value 'newValue'.