type: PIN
Consumer key: 3nVuSoBZnx6U4vzUxf5w
Consumer secret: Bcs59EFbbsdF6Sl9Ng71smgStWEGwXXKSjYvPVt7qys
type: PIN
Consumer key: IQKbtAYlXLripLGPWd0HUA
A type is a collection of possible values. An integer can have values 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.; a boolean can have values true and false. We can imagine any type we like: for example, a HighFive type that allows the values "hi" or 5, but nothing else. It's not a string and it's not an integer; it's its own, separate type.
Statically typed languages constrain variables' types: the programming language might know, for example, that x is an Integer.
In that case, the programmer isn't allowed to say x = true
; that would be an invalid program.
The compiler will refuse to compile it, so we can't even run it.
My notes for Dokku on Digital Ocean.
Install dokku-cli (gem install dokku-cli
) for a more Heroku-like CLI experience (dokku config:set FOO=bar
# List/run commands when not on Dokku server (assuming a "henroku" ~/.ssh/config alias)
ssh henroku dokku
ssh henroku dokku config:get my-app
emacs --daemon
to run in the background.
emacsclient.emacs24 <filename/dirname>
to open in terminal
NOTE: "M-m and SPC can be used interchangeably".
2. Upper Case : M-u