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Danny Meyer-Kristensen dbdness

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dbdness /
Last active January 5, 2025 02:25
DigiSpark Kickstarter ATTINY85 Setup on macOS + Hello World

Digispark ATTINY85 Initial Setup on macOS + Hello World

Originally written in January 2021.

Originally written for macOS Big Sur 11.1

Step 1: Acquire a DigiSpark ATTINY85 Board

Board used for this guide is the Kickstarter version.

Step 2: Download the Arduino IDE

Version at the time of writing is 1.8.13

dbdness /
Created October 15, 2023 15:42
Mute Android apps
# 1. Run 'adb devices' when connected to a phone with USB debugging enabled.
# 2. Run 'adb shell' to start the interactive shell
# 3. List the full package names for the apps/games to be muted
cmd package list packages | grep -i -E ‘frozen|pies|color’
# 4. Mute apps with appops commands (replace package names):
# Example 1 - Mute
cmd appops set TAKE_AUDIO_FOCUS ignore
cmd appops set PLAY_AUDIO deny
dbdness / mouse-touch-helper.ahk
Last active November 14, 2023 13:56
AutoHotKey script for bringing the cursor back to last known position (for example on main, external monitor) after touch event on occurs on another display (for example on sidecar laptop with touch screen).
;~Check mouse position every second.
SetTimer, MousePos, 1000
MouseGetPos, x, y
TimeL := A_TickCount