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dboyd13 / gist:b1e15425a55279f6a0c34e7cce7e0b55
Created August 11, 2019 02:28
Micronta (Model: 63-7008) - Set date / time
For a Micronta (Model: 63-7008). Adjust the date/time as follows:
1) Press and HOLD the 'C / mode' button (bottom right) until 'AL' appears.
2) Press the 'C / mode' button again (Short press)
3) You are now in the set time mode. Move positions by pressing 'X', adjust position value by pressing '-' (minus)
4) Once you've set the time, Move to the calendar positions using the same 'X' key
5) Once complete, press the 'C / mode' button to return to the standard time display.
dboyd13 / aws-certified-security-specialist-study-notes.txt
Last active September 15, 2023 03:38
___ _____ ___ _ _ __ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ _
/_\ \ / / __| ___ / __|___ _ _| |_(_)/ _(_)___ __| | / __| ___ __ _ _ _ _(_) |_ _ _ / __|_ __ ___ __(_)__ _| | |_ _ _
/ _ \ \/\/ /\__ \ |___| | (__/ -_) '_| _| | _| / -_) _` | \__ \/ -_) _| || | '_| | _| || | \__ \ '_ \/ -_) _| / _` | | _| || |
/_/ \_\_/\_/ |___/ \___\___|_| \__|_|_| |_\___\__,_| |___/\___\__|\_,_|_| |_|\__|\_, | |___/ .__/\___\__|_\__,_|_|\__|\_, |
|__/ |_| |__/
Notes taken in Mar-2018, from and AWS FAQ
___ _ _ _ __ _
/ __| ___ __ _ _ _ _(_) |_ _ _ / |/ \/ |
# Purpose:
# SELECT: All DRINKS of a specific Keg
# OUTPUT: Drink ID, Day of Week, Date and time (localtime),
# SORTED BY: Volume_ml
select id, substr('SunMonTueWedThuFriSat', 1 + 3*strftime('%w', datetime(time, "localtime")), 3), datetime(time, "localtime"), volume_ml from core_drink where keg_id=61 ORDER BY volume_ml;
# Purpose:
# SELECT: All DRINKS of a specific Keg ONLY if weekday (Mon-Fri)
# OUTPUT: Drink ID, Day of Week, Date and time (localtime)
import sqlite3 #Import the SQLite3 module
import sys
commit = False
sqlite_file = sys.argv[1]
print "You must specify a sqlite db file as an argument."

Background itself says it best:

Through a series of levels you'll learn about common mistakes and gotchas when using Amazon Web Services (AWS). 
There are no SQL injection, XSS, buffer overflows, or many of the other vulnerabilities you might have seen before. As much as possible, these are AWS specific issues.

A series of hints are provided that will teach you how to discover the info you'll need.

dboyd13 / aws-developer-associate-study-notes.txt
Last active August 14, 2024 20:47
___ _____ ___ _ _ __ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _
/_\ \ / / __| ___ / __|___ _ _| |_(_)/ _(_)___ __| | | \ _____ _____| |___ _ __ ___ _ _ /_\ ______ ___ __(_)__ _| |_ ___
/ _ \ \/\/ /\__ \ |___| | (__/ -_) '_| _| | _| / -_) _` | | |) / -_) V / -_) / _ \ '_ \/ -_) '_| / _ \ (_-<_-</ _ \/ _| / _` | _/ -_)
/_/ \_\_/\_/ |___/ \___\___|_| \__|_|_| |_\___\__,_| |___/\___|\_/\___|_\___/ .__/\___|_| /_/ \_\/__/__/\___/\__|_\__,_|\__\___|
Notes taken in Jan-2018, from and AWS FAQs.
There is a lot of overlap in knowledge areas between Solution Architect Associate, and the Certified Developer Associate.
Hence this doc only covers the deltas for the CDA exam.
dboyd13 / aws-solution-architect-associate-study-notes
Last active October 29, 2021 03:21
AWS Solution Architect Associate Study Notes (Late 2017, Early 2018)
___ _____ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/_\ \ / / __| ___ / __| ___| |_ _| |_(_)___ _ _ /_\ _ _ __| |_ (_) |_ ___ __| |_ /_\ ______ ___ __(_)__ _| |_ ___
/ _ \ \/\/ /\__ \ |___| \__ \/ _ \ | || | _| / _ \ ' \ / _ \| '_/ _| ' \| | _/ -_) _| _| / _ \ (_-<_-</ _ \/ _| / _` | _/ -_)
/_/ \_\_/\_/ |___/ |___/\___/_|\_,_|\__|_\___/_||_| /_/ \_\_| \__|_||_|_|\__\___\__|\__| /_/ \_\/__/__/\___/\__|_\__,_|\__\___|
Notes taken between Dec-2017 and Jan-2018, from and AWS FAQs.
Solution Architect Associate - Need to Know:
version: ‘2’
build: elasticsearch/
– ./elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml:/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml
– ./elasticsearch/data:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data
– “9200:9200”
dboyd13 / gist:7ac269b65cc2f0af2c6b0ec4d14ca69c
Created May 11, 2017 08:03
grep - no comments, blank lines
grep -v '^$\|^\s*#'
#consider setting up an alias in ~/.bash_aliases for example
alias db="grep -v '^$\|^\s*#'"
dboyd13 / gist:8e45c6e3b95ea48fd5097b1425f793e7
Created April 7, 2017 07:18
logstash.conf + syslog parse
input {
tcp {
port => 5000
type => syslog
udp {
port => 5000