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ddrown / etc_init.d_iface-colors
Last active November 5, 2016 20:09
Omnia router LED color based on bandwidth usage
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
start_service() {
struct results {
uint32_t doubletime;
uint32_t floattime;
uint32_t inttime;
#define MAX_LOOPS 512
double MyDoubles[MAX_LOOPS];
double a_d = 12345.67, b_d = 54321.11;
ddrown / gist:b0c674a4eab37e7b0e58
Last active March 22, 2016 04:36
gfiber spectral
Code from
Slight modifications to use USB wifi based on the ath9k chipset
# quiet time
# ./spectral
Starting background spectral scanner
Performing wifi spectral scan at freq 2412
Performing wifi spectral scan at freq 2417
Performing wifi spectral scan at freq 2422
Performing wifi spectral scan at freq 2427
ddrown / prune
Created October 20, 2014 15:00
Expire quassel backlog
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# run this in the directory ~/.config/
import sqlite3
import time
con = sqlite3.connect('quassel-storage.sqlite')
with con:

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am ddrown on github.
  • I am ddrown ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 125E 89B6 47CC A659 4C88 6C50 60EE C3AB 2362 E2AF

To claim this, I am signing this object:

ddrown / gist:20c2969731367cfbf046
Created July 22, 2014 18:24
Per-user rate limiting
iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner slowuser -j CLASSIFY --set-class 1:11
tc qdisc add dev em1 root handle 1:0 htb default 99
tc class add dev em1 parent 1:0 classid 1:1 htb rate 1000Mbit ceil 1000Mbit
tc class add dev em1 parent 1:1 classid 1:11 htb rate 1Mbit ceil 1Mbit prio 2
tc qdisc add dev em1 parent 1:11 handle 10: sfq perturb 10