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Construct something

Decoy dec04

Construct something
View GitHub Profile
public class SingletonClass implements Serializable {
private static volatile SingletonClass sSoleInstance;
//private constructor.
private SingletonClass(){
//Prevent form the reflection api.
if (sSoleInstance != null){
throw new RuntimeException("Use getInstance() method to get the single instance of this class.");
dec04 /
Last active October 20, 2020 03:40 — forked from evenchange4/
Deploy a Express.js project on Heroku

Deploy a Express.js project on Heroku

Step by step from command line by Michael Hsu

Quick start

Create a Node.js web framework 'express'

$ express myfirstexpress && cd myfirstexpress

Declare dependencies with NPM /package.json

dec04 /
Created November 26, 2020 07:38 — forked from evelyne24/
This is how to get the colour from a custom style within a custom style within an Android Theme.
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.TypedValue;
import android.widget.TextView;
dec04 /
Created May 27, 2022 08:52 — forked from vanyle/
Modding the Discord client

Modding the discord client

Disclaimer: Modding the discord client is against Discord's term of service. I'm not responsible if any action is taken against you.

Why modding ?

Modding the client will allow you to customize to:

  • change the appearance of the discord client
  • have script to automaticaly send messages at specific times
  • log messages from a chat into a local file

This guide will explain how to inject js code into the discord client and send messages. I'm assuming you know you to write javascript code and are using Windows.