Python has acquired new super powers since version 3.5 and the arrival of PEP 484. Type hints are a new programming language feature which python projects can progressively adopt to improve their confidence in their code base doing what it is supposed to be doing.
Django, the massively used Python web framework, has yet to receive comprehensive core integration for type hinting. While much effort is being put into upgrading many open source community projects (such as Zulip, one of the biggest success stories), Django has yet to receive this effort and focus. We want to make a big push this FOSDEM 2019 to see if we can take the big leap into bringing type hints to Django core!
Following the lead of the Zulip developers (see for more) format used at PyCon 2016, we intend to open up a collaborative space for making fly-by contributions to adding type hints to the Django code base.
Volunteers can come with their laptop, install the project so