436M Jul 23 22:59 julia5.1e10.varint
446.48s user 0.87s system 678% cpu 1:05.90 total
# Find UNICODE files | |
find -name '*.tt' | xargs -I{} file {} | grep -F 'UTF-16' | |
# Modified files - check types | |
git status -s | sed -nre 's/^ M //p' | | |
xargs -I{} file {} # and check the files 'type' (looking for unicode madness here!)cd .. | |
# Create relative sha1 deep files | |
sha1deep -rel . | tee sha1deep.log | |
# Create missing dirs referenced in a SHA1sum file | |
sed -re 's/^[0-9a-f]+\s+//;s!/[^/]*$!!' SD.log | sort -u | xargs -I{} mkdir -p "{}" | |
# Take two md5deep checksum files and re-arrange one directory based on the other | |
join -j1 <(sed -re 's/ +/ "/;s/$/"/' 1.4Tb.log | sort) <(sed -re 's/ +/ "/;s/$/"/' SD.log | sort) | | |
sed -re 's/^[0-9a-f]+/mv -v /' | | |
bash |
--- | |
title: "..." | |
author: "..." | |
date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B %Y (%X)')`" | |
output: | |
rmdformats::readthedown: | |
keep_md: true | |
self_contained: false | |
toc_depth: 6 | |
toc_collapsed: no |
# rmlint | |
# Pre-run to generate checksumms & attach in extended attributes | |
rmlint --xattr --progress <some dirs> -- <master dir> | |
# Renaming image files dith date rather than DSC... | |
find -iname 'DSC*.jpg' -execdir renrot --mtime --name-template="%Y-%m-%d@%H'%M'%S" -- "{}" \+ | |
# Need to use `-execdir`r `renrot` will move all files to current folder. |