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  • I am dergigi on github.
  • I am dergigi ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASAHLGPS-SN_2DjArDkglEXybPfD6HjsihXimWvojFJFPgo

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From Working in Public:

Funding developers, rather than projects, changes what it means to fund open source.





NIP-570: On-Chain Zaps and Anti-Zaps

Authors Melvin Carvalho optional draft


This proposal outlines a method for implementing simple on-chain zaps between Nostr users using Taproot addresses. The proposal includes specifications for both regular zaps and negative zaps (antizaps).


The ability to send zaps (micro-transactions) on-chain between Nostr users can enhance the functionality of the platform by enabling quick, easy, and decentralized financial interactions. Introducing antizaps allows for the reversal or adjustment of previous zaps.