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Haitham Maryan devHaitham481

  • Fricke Group
  • Hamburg, Germany
  • 23:50 (UTC -12:00)
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When you've worked towards a goal in the past, what systems or tools have been helpful for you in accomplishing that goal? How could you adapt those same systems/tools to use while at Turing?

  • I would say reading hard copy books were more useful for me in terms of grasping concepts rather than reading a pdf book on my computer. also, I found that skimming over the day's lesson or session material can be super helpful wrapping my head around the lecture at the time of the lecture.
    at Turing, I plan on skimming over the curriculum and absorb as much ruby syntax as possible before my day 1 at Turing. so that I could be ready for all the common and normal stuff and be prone to any in-depth questions my mind would probably come upon.
    while at Turing, I want to really go over the limit of what my mind is currently used to. I want to truly graduate as someone different professsionally

As you start this new career, what is one of your strengths and how do you know?

  • One of my strengths would be quick

What role does empathy play in your life and how has it helped you?

  • Empathy is what inspires me to listen to the opposite person even if I am not feeling okay and having a not so nice day. Empathy is what pushes me to enhance my code even more better so that the person reading it would for the least have a wow expression even if it was for just a second. I think being empathetic has helped me gain a hold of people and people getting a hold of me, not to mention the network that I have come across knowing simply because of an empathetic conversation we had sometime in the past.

How does empathy help you build better software?

  • I believe a code written with no empathy can result pretty much in a spaghetti type of code, simply for the fact that no of the person most likely to read the code had been taken into consideration

Beginner's Guide to Datatypes

Datatypes in Ruby

so far, Ruby seems to handle datatypes in a very smooth way. what I mean by that is that unlike other languages like C++ where the datatype has to be declared prior to even thinking about initializing it, Ruby knows what datatype to assign a variable from the variable's content itself. like for example if we were to declare a variable x like this:

x = "Hello World!"

Ruby would automatically assign the variable x the datatype of String

  • Now, Ruby has many datatypes of which we can mention the following: