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Paul Bergeron dinedal

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# Simple examples are wussy, here's a complicated one
# User belongs_to Circle, Tags has_many User, Tags has_many Circle
Factory :user do
has_a :circle
has_many :tag
Factory :circle do
[1] pry(main)> class Foo
[1] pry(main)* class Bar
[1] pry(main)* end
[1] pry(main)* end
[2] pry(main)> foo =
[3] pry(main)> Foo::Bar
Foo::Bar < Object
dinedal / chronicle.rake
Created February 17, 2012 19:33
Chronicle Migration Script
namespace :chronicle do
desc "Rename Store tags in Chronicle after Accounts integration"
task :migrate_for_accounts, [:client_id] => :environment do |t, args|
client = Client.find(args.client_id)
vitrue_id = client.vitrue_id_for_account.to_s
stores = client.stores
stores.find_each do |store|
old_tag = "s:#{}"
new_tag = "s:#{store.vitrue_id_for_resource}"
# ChronicleClient::Tabs::TagRename.rename(old_tag, new_tag, vitrue_id)
def zipflaw(x, i)
j = 0
k = 1
i.times do
# I was stuck for awhile because I wasn't using floating points and the error was enough to move my answer back by 2 ranks!
j += x.to_f/k.to_f
k += 1
# coffeescript, deps include node ~v0.6.6, jsdom, jQuery (node version)
fs = require 'fs'
jsdom = require 'jsdom'
data = []
deviation = []
sum = 0
devnsum = 0
class Integer
def factorial_iterative
f = 1; for i in 1..self; f *= i; end; f
def sum_digits
self.to_s.split(//).collect { |d| d.to_i}.sum
dinedal /
Created November 7, 2011 22:17
Sample code to send request to Chronicle
http = require 'http'
util= require 'util'
options = {
host: '',
port: 80,
path: '/chronicle/1/',
method: 'GET',
disable_ssl_peer_verification: true,
timeout: 200
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
queue_length = `/opt/redis-2.2.2/bin/redis-cli zcard q:jobs:total_report:inactive`
if queue_length.to_i > 50000
puts "status ok there are #{queue_length.to_i} jobs"
elsif queue_length > 10000
puts "status warn there are #{queue_length.to_i} jobs"
puts "status err there are #{queue_length.to_i} jobs"
def upload_sizing
result = {}
size = {:width => self.upload_width, :height => self.upload_height}
thumb_size = {:width => self.upload_thumb_width, :height => self.upload_thumb_height}
keys = []
keys.push "resize" if self.enable_images?
keys.push "encode" if self.enable_videos?
keys.each do |key|