h1. Sublime Text 2 - Useful Shortcuts (Mac OS X)
h2. General
| ⌘T | go to file | | ⌘⌃P | go to project | | ⌘R | go to methods | | ⌃G | go to line | | ⌘KB | toggle side bar | | ⌘⇧P | command prompt |
h1. Sublime Text 2 - Useful Shortcuts (Mac OS X)
h2. General
| ⌘T | go to file | | ⌘⌃P | go to project | | ⌘R | go to methods | | ⌃G | go to line | | ⌘KB | toggle side bar | | ⌘⇧P | command prompt |
{{-- Define all our servers --}} | |
@servers(['staging' => '', 'production' => '']) | |
@setup | |
{{-- The timezone your servers run in --}} | |
$timezone = 'Europe/Amsterdam'; | |
{{-- The base path where your deployments are sitting --}} | |
$path = '/var/www/site.com/htdocs'; |
$ uname -r