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Divyam divyam234

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divyam234 /
Last active May 4, 2023 11:20
Telethon , Pyrogram and GramJS string sessions convertors
import struct
import base64
import ipaddress
dc_maps = {
1: {'serverAddress': '', 'ipAddress': ''},
2: {'serverAddress': '', 'ipAddress': ''},
3: {'serverAddress': '', 'ipAddress': ''},
4: {'serverAddress': '', 'ipAddress': ''},
5: {'serverAddress': '', 'ipAddress': ''}
First go here:
This site gives information about all msm soc release details with tag + android version
Search your msm here.. Check the latest one and look for correct android version and mark that tag.
Now open one of the following links (dependent on your linux kernel version)