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# Script adb+
# Usage
# You can run any command adb provides on all your currently connected devices
# ./adb+ <command> is the equivalent of ./adb -s <serial number> <command>
# Examples
# ./adb+ version
# ./adb+ install apidemo.apk
# ./adb+ uninstall
stefanhoth / build.gradle
Created June 11, 2014 06:56
AndroidDev / gradle: How to rename your output apk during build time to include details like the version.
android {
// .. set up build flavors etc here
//instead of "app-release.apk" this method will rewrite the name to
// "MyCoolCompany-MyGreatProduct-v<defaultConfig.versionName>-RELEASE.apk which is much better suited for archiving and overall handling
// To restore the default behavior just delete the whole block below
applicationVariants.all { variant ->
def apk = variant.outputFile;