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1wErt3r / SMBDIS.ASM
Created November 9, 2012 22:27
A Comprehensive Super Mario Bros. Disassembly
;by doppelganger ([email protected])
;This file is provided for your own use as-is. It will require the character rom data
;and an iNES file header to get it to work.
;There are so many people I have to thank for this, that taking all the credit for
;myself would be an unforgivable act of arrogance. Without their help this would
;probably not be possible. So I thank all the peeps in the nesdev scene whose insight into
;the 6502 and the NES helped me learn how it works (you guys know who you are, there's no
richardg867 /
Last active December 29, 2024 01:30
Comic Chat fixer
# Comic Chat fixer MITM proxy: fixes Comic Chat to (sort of) work with modern
# IRC servers. Tested with Microsoft Chat 2.5 on Windows XP, 8 and 10
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
Ketrel / relBase.html
Last active June 2, 2024 21:25
Relative url base for jekyll
{% assign relBase = '' %}
{% assign tempDepth = page.url | append: 'hackish-solution' | split: '/' | size | minus: 2 %}
{% for i in (1..tempDepth) %}
{% assign relBase = relBase | append: "../" %}
{% endfor %}
{% if relBase == '' %}
{% assign relBase = './' %}
{% endif %}
jpanahon /
Last active July 25, 2021 05:57 — forked from EvieePy/
A Cogs Example for the rewrite version of -
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
import sys, traceback
"""This is a multi file example showcasing many features of the command extension and the use of cogs.
These are examples only and are not intended to be used as a fully functioning bot. Rather they should give you a basic
understanding and platform for creating your own bot.
These examples make use of Python 3.6.2 and the rewrite version on the lib.
tenox7 / wrp.go
Last active May 5, 2024 07:05
WRP Go Prototype
package main
import (
kirinelf / clock.html
Last active February 12, 2025 20:43 — forked from sam0737/clock.html
OBS Studio: A HTML page for showing current date and time in the video
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>A simple clock</title>
<body translate="no" >
volcanoauthors /
Last active December 5, 2024 11:36
How to install Ubuntu Linux on an Acer Spin 1 SP111-32N

How to install Ubuntu Linux on an Acer Spin 1 SP111-32N


The first thing you encounter is how to get into the BIOS. Hold down the little blue Fn key, and press F2. If you do this as soon as you press the power button, then keep pressing F2 a lot, it gets into the BIOS reliably.

In the BIOS, you don’t need to change the Secure Boot settings (yet). Just remember that you have to hold down the little blue Fn key to change the boot order with F5 and F6.

The live USB should boot up just fine. Do not select “Install ubuntu” from the GRUB menu. Let the default option start up, “Try ubuntu without installing.”

Live USB

PotatoCurry /
Last active May 15, 2021 20:02 — forked from dotcomboom/
Discord Weather RPC
import os
import time
import requests
from pypresence import Presence
def main():
API_KEY = os.environ["WEATHERBIT_API_KEY"] # get a key at
CLIENT_ID = 704435320808276108
aljbri /
Created September 21, 2020 16:39
Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 Build Tools

What is it about?

Sometimes while installing a new packages in Python we may get the following error:

error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required. Get it with "Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools":

In this tiny note, you can get the direct installer for the Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools 14.0 and you can make an offline installer. Therefore, you can use it on a different computer

Before do anything, install or upgrade the Setuptools Python package. It contain compatibility improvements and add automatic use of compilers [source]