Snippet / Proof of Concept.
Created: 07.08.2014 (work discussion)
Modular = "composed of software or hardware modules that can be altered or replaced without affecting the remainder of the system."
- No more code soup: Smaller blocks of code to understand, test and document - 'What can/can't/could this thing do?'
- Quality control: Not just 'It seems to work but I'm not sure why'
Created: 2014.05 (email)
I've been using KSS for the past two or three years and got into them for the same reason as you did, to make sense of a large code base and prevent duplication where lots of developers were involved. In my case I didn't start my first styleguide until the developers had made a mess, but that's another story ;)
The system is not perfect:
- Show a console error in an alert box
- Useful when the error is followed by a page reload
- Source:
My front end development environments are becoming very dependent on the software installed on my machine (Node/NPM, Grunt, Yeoman, Bower, Ruby Gems etc). When another developer picks up one of my projects they often have problems with software versions so that the build system cannot be run and they have to spend hours troubleshooting their system, often requiring me to hold their hand which kind of defeats the purpose of handing the work off to them in the first place.
Similarly our back end development environments are becoming increasingly complex, with software like Rails, Node/NPM, Composer, different versions of PHP, etc.