Person(usuario, "User", "Doctors and Employees")
Person_Ext(paciente, "Patient", "Clinics patient")
System(sistemas, Sistemas, "Feegow systems")
System_Ext(externo, "External Providers", "Other identity providers or social networks")
flowchart TD
A(Feegow) -->|eventEmitter| B[MS Events API]
B --> C[(fa:fa-list<br>Events<br>queue)]
D[MS Events Worker] <--> C
D -->|get subscribers| E{Have subscribers?<br><small>Feegow API</small>} -->|yes| D
D --> F[(fa:fa-list<br>Webhooks<br>queue)] <--> G[MS Events Sender]
G --> H[fa:fa-server App A]
G --> I[fa:fa-calendar App B]
title Medical Files - Data Flows
actor C as Doctoralia App User
participant B as DP Backend
participant S as Feegow SSO
participant M as Feegow Medical Records
participant D as Feegow DWH
graph TD
subgraph Receive
F[Feegow emit a webhook <br><small>POST /webhooks/feegow</small>]
F-->F1[(fa:fa-list-check Store in a webhooks queue)]
--o W0
subgraph Webhooks Processing
.-> P1[fa:fa-spinner Worker 1<br><small>read the queue in batch</small>]