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Sean Murphy duckythescientist

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duckythescientist /
Created July 10, 2015 17:58
Periodically run Python function asynchronously in the background of a script
#!/usr/bin/env python2
from threading import Event, Thread
class Periodic(object):
"""Periodically run a function with arguments asynchronously in the background
Period is a float of seconds.
Don't expect exact precision with timing.
Threading is used instead of Multiprocessing because we need shared memory
duckythescientist /
Last active October 7, 2015 20:30
Generate the /r/shittyprogramming min number script
#!/usr/bin/env python2
import string
A really quick and dirty answer to :
Author: duckythescientist
duckythescientist / bkpctf16_lilyflac
Last active April 26, 2016 15:59
Writeup for lily.flac of BKPCTF 2016
At first I thought this was a DSP problem. It wasn't. The solution was much simpler.
To start, I listened to the entirety of the song. It's not quite everyone's favorite genre, but I rather enjoyed it. I noticed a short burst of static at the beginning. Static typically means data, but I figured I'd look for other patterns.
Some GNU Radio later showed that there were no obvious patterns in the spectra of the signal or in the relation of the right and left channels.
Initially, I incorrectly converted the file to a raw type. In the converted file, there was obviously some data at the very beginning in the burst of static, but it wasn't readable as anything.
I re-did the conversion to raw and looked again. The static was an ELF for linux x86_64. Thinking it couldn't be that easy, I threw it into IDA. It's a binary that grabs samples from the raw audio and prints the samples out as characters.
duckythescientist /
Created August 26, 2016 16:05
IceCTF Intercepted 2 solution
#!/usr/bin/env python3
encode.pyc is a compiled python file.
The first 2 bytes \x16\x0d == 3350 mean that it's a python3 file.
Python3.4 throws a bad magic number error, but python3.5 works.
After trying a couple python decompilers, I found that unpyc3 worked the best:
duck@computer:~/Downloads$ python3.5 ../ encode.pyc
import random
duckythescientist /
Created August 26, 2016 16:07
IceCTF Intercepted 1 Writeup
#!/usr/bin/env python2
The pcap is a capture of a USB keyboard.
The proper way to tell is by finding the VID/PID combination during enumeration then looking up the device from that.
The easy way is just to have looked at enough USB stuffs to recognize that it's a keyboard. :)
The keyboard data exists in the USB Leftover section. `tshark` is our friend for extracting this.
tshark -r ./intercept.pcapng -T fields -e usb.capdata -Y usb.capdata 2>/dev/null
This has some trailing data that we don't care about it, so use tail to skip the beginning 6 lines.
duckythescientist /
Created August 26, 2016 16:19
IceCTF A Strong Feeling Solution
#!/usr/bin/env python2
Angr would probably be the nice way to solve this. Oh well.
Brute force worked for me.
Trying different inputs, it seems the length doesn't matter.
The output changes depending on how many characters at the beginning match the key.
Brute force possible keys watching for output changes (to know when we got the right letter)
duckythescientist /
Last active February 27, 2017 19:25
BKP CTF 2017 Minesweeper Solution
#!/usr/bin/env python2
import math
from pwn import *
Read this:
I don't really know much about quantum computers.
Credit goes to [bobert]( for figuring out how to solve this.
duckythescientist / badjump.c
Last active September 23, 2017 15:23
PoC for the incorrect 66 instruction prefix found by xoreaxeaxeax/sandsifter
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
duckythescientist /
Created October 9, 2017 14:18
Tqdm wrapper and decorator to give a long-running function a progress bar
#/usr/bin/env python3
import time
import threading
import functools
import tqdm
def long_running_function(*args, **kwargs):
duckythescientist / lololps1.bash
Last active October 11, 2023 04:13
Rainbow colored bash prompt PS1 string
function readline_ANSI_escape() {
if [[ $# -ge 1 ]]; then
echo "$*"
cat # Read string from STDIN
fi | \
perl -pe 's/(?:(?<!\x1)|(?<!\\\[))(\x1b\[[0-9;]*[mG])(?!\x2|\\\])/\x1\1\x2/g'