- definition
- taxonomy
- patterns
- refactorings
An edge is a discontinuity along some dimension in our system code.
An edge can exist as essential complexity in the domain. Or an edge can exist as accidental complexity we have added to our code.
class Commenter | |
def comment(source) | |
output = [] | |
Open3.popen3(ENV, 'irb', '-f', '--noprompt', '--noverbose') do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr| | |
source.each do |line| | |
if empty_line?(line) | |
output << line | |
else | |
stdin.puts line | |
output << add_output_to_line(line, stdout.readline) |
iex> c "lib/name.ex" | |
[MyName, ElixirName] | |
iex> MyName.is | |
"declan |
defmodule NucleotideCount do | |
@nucleotides [?A, ?C, ?G, ?T] | |
@doc """ | |
Counts individual nucleotides in a NucleotideCount strand. | |
## Examples | |
iex> NucleotideCount.count('AATAA', ?A) | |
4 |
ExUnit.start( | |
exclude: [:skip], include: [ | |
# Uncomment the line below to only run tests with "@tag :focus" | |
:focus], exclude: [:test | |
] | |
) |
defmodule Something do | |
defmacro __using__(opts) do | |
x = quote do | |
import unquote __MODULE__ | |
@behaviour Doit.Processor | |
unquote build_process_funs(opts, __CALLER__) | |
end | |
# x |> Macro.expand(__ENV__) |> Macro.to_string |> IO.puts |
#!/usr/bin/bash | |
# From https://gist.github.com/zeroseis/ce66d4c6b776577442a6 | |
# | |
# Changed location from Contents/Resources to Contents/Helpers (looks like they moved it) | |
PID=$(ps -fe | grep "[A]ndroid File Transfer Agent" | awk '{print $2}'); | |
if [[ -n $PID ]]; then kill $PID; fi; | |
mv "/Applications/Android File Transfer.app/Contents/Helpers/Android File Transfer Agent.app" "/Applications/Android File Transfer.app/Contents/Helpers/Android File Transfer Agent DISABLED.app"; | |
mv "${HOME}/Library/Application Support/Google/Android File Transfer/Android File Transfer Agent.app" "${HOME}/Library/Application Support/Google/Android File Transfer/Android File Transfer Agent DISABLED.app"; | |
osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to delete every login item whose name is "Android File Transfer Agent"' |