I have gotten to a point now where I realize my open source work is not sustainable in combination with family. I have spent a ton of time over the years developing ideas, learning, sharing and engaging with the open source community. It has been a lot of fun, but also exhausting. There is a dark side to doing open source, at least for me. Even though it is a recipe for learning I have also been spending most of my time lost in thought. Thinking about ideas, issues and craving recognition for the stuff that I share. It is not a healthy way to live your life. The cost/benefit was okay for a long time as the only people who were affected by it was my partner and myself, but now with 2 kids I have to stop... I should have stopped when we had our first kid. Sitting for 30 min next to our 4 year old daughter and not even noticing it, because I am working out this new idea in my head. Being impatient and annoyed at our 10 month year old son, because I am amped up by some bug I can not stop thin