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code is life

Dylan McDowell dylanjm

code is life
  • Idaho National Laboratory (@idaholab)
  • North Western United States
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dylanjm /
Created March 14, 2024 18:29
A python script that plots the cobweb diagrams of the iterative tent map. This script uses the python 'decimal' library to avoid floating point arithmetic error propagation. This plot will run until the iteration values "escapes" (i.e. reaches a value > 1)
from decimal import Decimal, getcontext
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Set the desired precision
getcontext().prec = 28
# Define the tent map function using Decimal for high precision
def tent_map(x, r):
half = Decimal('0.5')
return r*x if x < half else r*(1-x)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tabulate import tabulate
def amort(principal, rate, n):
return principal * (rate * ((1 + rate) ** n)) / ((1 + rate) ** n - 1)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import textwrap
from tabulate import tabulate
def amort(principal, rate, n):
return principal * (rate * ((1 + rate) ** n)) / ((1 + rate) ** n - 1)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def amort(principal, rate, n):
return principal * (rate * ((1 + rate) ** n)) / ((1 + rate) ** n - 1)
structure(list(y = c(-428.846931773699, 2814.14354795795, 1041.57062019406,
413.053552770623, -2800.67011782234, -2198.16050963969, 801.924652033519,
732.090097673507, -18875.6488077687, -2832.38372468581, 173.46142036292,
-3786.71578136507, -1997.72041336496, 1592.56310472052, -486.657881249919,
593.68112891115, -21.9813204920439, 864.966591019571, -5237.93696303717,
-9202.40040067778, 425.320418694913, 797.650940028017, -123.700827591037,
-216.376695426808, 305.222605237999, 3.28251012543717, 991.586724694986,
1433.13448159131, 4629.28834528504, 643.801261103721, -1171.77757782828,
3346.60023414888, 2039.8742756452, 1695.36368497713, 1100.78951900258,
-284.355910530996, 1033.8900351293, 1000.68508364355, 202.456374187071,
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
url = ''
def add_cols(grp):
grp['popl'] = grp['pop'].apply(lambda x: x/10**5)
grp['gdp_wt'] = np.average(grp['gdpPercap'], weights = grp['pop'])
r_tweets <- read_rds(here::here("data/data_2019/week01_rstats_tweets.rds"))
tt_tweets <- read_rds(here::here("data/data_2019/week01_tidy_tuesday_tweets.rds"))
(top_users <- tt_tweets %>%
count(screen_name) %>%
top_n(10, n) %>%
read_lines(here::here("input_data/data04a.txt")) %>%
str_match("\\[(\\d+)-(\\d+-\\d+) (\\d+):(\\d+)\\] (.*$)") %>%
as_tibble() %>%
set_names(c("raw_data", "year", "date", "hour", "min", "comment")) %>%
mutate(id = str_extract_all(comment, "(\\d+)", simplify = T) %>%
ifelse(. == "", NA, .)) %>%
arrange(year, date, hour, min) %>%
fill(id) %>%
dylanjm / commercial_bank_plots.R
Created May 28, 2018 16:40
A script automating the analysis of Commercial Bank Expansion Feasibility
# The original blscrapeR::qcew_api() is not really suited to take multiple years
# or niac codes at once. Here is a function that grabs it all!
dylanjm / econ_data_wrangle_clean.R
Created April 21, 2018 15:04
A script that uses purrr to automate the wrangling and cleaning of economic data
# Rcode to go and fetch country codes
country_codes <- read_html("") %>%
html_text() %>%
str_extract_all("[A-Z]{3}") %>%