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David Y. Ross dyross

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jaytaylor / PlayParameterReader.scala
Created July 11, 2011 21:52
Nice ParaNameReader for the Play! Framework v.1.2.2
package PlayParameterReader
* @author Jay Taylor <[email protected]>
* @date 2011-05-23
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
dyross / config.scala
Created January 12, 2012 22:54
Scala DSL for loading properties in Play!
// Loading properties with Java API's is annoying...
// val someInt = play.configuration("", 10).toInt
// val someBool = "true" == play.configuration("some.boolean", "true").toLowerCase
// This makes it nicer. It's specifically for play but can be easily changed.
object config {
def string(name: String): Proption[String] = {
Proption(Option(play.configuration(name)), name)