To create inclusive services within the home office for all citizens.
- Provide a technical team of people to help review your service
- Accessibility auditing
npm list --json | jq '. as $root | .dependencies as $dep | ($root.dependencies | keys[] as $key | $key, ($root.dependencies[$key].dependencies| length))' |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
#Formatting data in spotlight
Data in spotlight can be formatted in many different types. This document is intended to outline the main formatting options that can be used in a dashboard and where they are required to be configured.
Most of our graph modules support the format
option key.
~/Projects/pp-development (gh:(3923957...)*) $ vagrant up | |
The following plugins were installed with a version of Vagrant | |
that had different versions of underlying components. Because | |
these component versions were changed (which rarely happens), | |
the plugins must be uninstalled and reinstalled. | |
To ensure that all the dependencies are properly updated as well | |
it is _highly recommended_ to do a `vagrant plugin uninstall` | |
prior to reinstalling. |
[email protected] (gh:master) $ npm publish | |
npm http PUT | |
npm http 409 | |
npm http GET | |
npm http 200 | |
npm http PUT | |
npm http 201 | |
npm http PUT | |
npm http 409 | |
npm ERR! publish fail Cannot publish over existing version. |