I hereby claim:
- I am edenzik on github.
- I am edenzik (https://keybase.io/edenzik) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is 9B71 57E0 A3C5 11AD EF48 FE1F 7BA6 4057 7E61 BB6B
To claim this, I am signing this object:
Elena, | |
The first of your birthdays I spent wondering if you actually liked me or not, and whether it's worth trying. It was, even if it meant missing all the crew practices forever and ever. It did. | |
This birthday I won't get to spend with you. But on this one - more than the one before it (and even more than the one before that!) - I reflect on how lucky I am to have become an adult by your side. | |
From seventeen to twenty four, we've had some amazing years together. Looking back I remember how much we've grown, matured, our relationship turning from a college hookup to a college relationship to an amazing partnership. I am in awe of what we've built together, how far we are from where we first started. | |
I wouldn't have it any other way, with any other person. Getting to know you has gotten me to better know myself, and *better* myself. Every day is better because you're there, next to me or a thousand miles away. |
ITAMAR = 3 | |
EDEN = 2 | |
OFFICE = 5 | |
KITCHEN = 6 | |
office: | |
shairport-sync -p 5000 -a "Office" -S soxr -- -d hw:$(OFFICE) & | |
itamar-room: |
# First, filter out the AMI ID's to a file (you should figure out a way to do this with xargs) | |
aws ec2 describe-instances --query 'Reservations[].Instances[].[InstanceId] ' --output text --filters Name="instance-state-name",Values="stopped" | |
# Now loop through them | |
while read l; do aws ec2 modify-instance-attribute --disable-api-termination --instance-id $l; done < ami |
#!/usr/bin/python -i | |
# For implementing custom exception ahndler | |
import sys | |
# This is an error handler for badly typed input | |
def repl_exchandler(type, value, traceback): | |
# If a name doesn't exist in the namespace | |
if (type == NameError): | |
print "Command {}. Type \"help\".".format(value) |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
README is empty
### Keybase proof | |
I hereby claim: | |
* I am edenzik on github. | |
* I am edenzik (https://keybase.io/edenzik) on keybase. | |
* I have a public key whose fingerprint is 9B71 57E0 A3C5 11AD EF48 FE1F 7BA6 4057 7E61 BB6B | |
To claim this, I am signing this object: |
SELECT date_trunc('milliseconds', frame_time), SUM(frame_len) | |
FROM frame | |
GROUP BY date_trunc('milliseconds', frame_time); |