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Edmonds Commerce edmondscommerce

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edmondscommerce / systemd-config-path.bash
Created June 8, 2017 11:37
Systemd quickly get config path for service
#!/usr/bin/env bash
function systemdConfigPath(){
systemctl show $service --no-pager | grep FragmentPath= | cut -d '=' -f 2
edmondscommerce / JBidwatcher altnerative launcher
Created January 17, 2017 09:50
JBidwatcher alternative launcher file - can be run from any path, uses bash
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
cd $DIR
if (java -version 2>&1 | head -1 | fgrep -q "1.8")
java -cp lib/annotations.jar:lib/aopalliance.jar:lib/appbundler-1.0ea.jar:lib/apple.jar:lib/derby.jar:lib/guice-3.0.jar:lib/guice-assistedinject-3.0.jar:lib/jDeskMetrics.jar:lib/javax.inject.jar:lib/jdesktop.jar:lib/jl1.0.1.jar:lib/jline-2.11.jar:lib/jruby-incomplete.jar:lib/json_simple-1.1.jar:lib/jsoup-1.7.1.jar:lib/jsr305-1.3.9.jar:lib/l2fprod-common-fontchooser.jar:lib/mahalo.jar:lib/mysql-connector-java-5.1.7-bin.jar:lib/readline.jar:lib/txtmark.jar:lib/jbidwatcher:app/JBidwatcher.jar
echo "You must install Oracle's Java 8 to run JBidwatcher."
echo "Download it from here:\n\t"
edmondscommerce / Get Column Numbers for CSV file in Bash.bash
Created January 12, 2017 18:02
Get Column Numbers for CSV file in Bash
# This will take a CSV file as input,
# pull out the header row,
# split that onto new lines
# and then prepend a zero indexed line number to each line
head ./filename.csv -n 1 | sed "s/,/\n/g" | awk '{printf("%d %s\n", NR-1, $0)}'
edmondscommerce / Bash script to change wallpaper on Fedora
Created June 22, 2016 13:03
Bash script to change wallpaper on Fedora - Ideal to be run on a cron basis
#!/usr/bin/env bash
PID=$(pgrep -n gnome-session)
export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=$(grep -z DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS /proc/$PID/environ|cut -d= -f2-)
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri '"file://'$(ls ~/Pictures/Wallpapers/*.jpg | shuf -n 1)'"'
edmondscommerce / My BASH header for every script.bash
Last active February 20, 2018 16:36
Paste this to the top of your BASH scripts for a much nicer BASH coding experience
#!/usr/bin/env bash
readonly DIR=$(dirname $(readlink -f "$0"))
cd $DIR;
set -e
set -u
set -o pipefail
echo "
edmondscommerce / PHP File Handler that remembers the pointer position when the file is closed and opens there.php
Last active June 10, 2016 11:29
This is used to remember where you where in a file the last time that you closed it. I use it when parsing log file to prevent having to go over the entire file each time when I only want to check the lines that have been added
* @category EdmondsCommerce
* @package EdmondsCommerce_
* @author Ross Mitchell <[email protected]>
namespace EdmondsCommerce\ServerHardening;
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml;
edmondscommerce / BASH_function_to_email_via_Gmail_SMTP.bash
Last active August 21, 2018 07:58
BASH function to email via Gmail SMTP
# Bash function to send email via Gmail SMTP
# sendEmail [subject] [toEmail] [message] (optional attachment path)
function sendEmail(){
if (($# < 3 ))
echo ""
echo "Usage:"
echo "sendEmail [subject] [toEmail] [message] (optional attachment path)"
echo ""
exit 1
edmondscommerce /
Last active May 4, 2016 11:33
Jira Nginx SSL Configuration
# /etc/nginx/conf.d/
location /jira {
if ($scheme = 'http') {
rewrite ^ https://$http_host$request_uri? permanent;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Server $host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
client_max_body_size 10M;
edmondscommerce / moduleChecker.bash
Created April 27, 2016 11:01
Recursively check directory for Magento Modules listed as having a possible SQL injection vulnerability
find . -type d -ipath '*app/etc/modules' | \
while read f;
echo $f;
ls -l "${f}" | \
grep 'EM_Quickshop.xml\|EM_Ajaxcart.xml\|Smartwave_QuickView.xml\|MD_Quick';
done | grep -B 1 'xml'
edmondscommerce / getCurrentMysqlConfigForVariable.bash
Created April 26, 2016 13:46
BASH function to get the config value for a variable from MySQL
function getCurrentMysqlConfigForVariable(){
local variable=$1
mysql -e "select variable_value from information_schema.global_variables where variable_name like '$variable'" |
while read variable_value;
if [[ 'variable_value' == "$variable_value" ]]
# skip the header