Following works for me:
$ brew install readline
$ cabal install readline --configure-option=--with-readline-includes=/usr/local/Cellar/readline/6.2.1/include --configure-option=--with-readline-libraries=/usr/local/Cellar/readline/6.2.1/lib
Following works for me:
$ brew install readline
$ cabal install readline --configure-option=--with-readline-includes=/usr/local/Cellar/readline/6.2.1/include --configure-option=--with-readline-libraries=/usr/local/Cellar/readline/6.2.1/lib
This time it is case
expression. I was looking for a way in haskell to define constants so I wrote this:
one = 1
two = 2
three = 3
which n =
case n of
one -> "one"
In this wonderful tutorial "Write Yourself a Scheme in 48 Hours", this line puzzles me for a while:
apply :: String -> [LispVal] -> LispVal
apply func args = maybe (Bool False) ($ args) $ lookup func primitives
What does ($ args)
really mean? Turns out it is called operator section, a special syntax which LYSH fails to mention. This thread did a great job on explaining it:
Simon Peyton Jones gave a talk on parallel programming in Haskell. A must to watch:
His notion of task, semi-implicit and data parallelism is very inspiring. And here are things interest me the most from his talk (in no particular order):
, a.k.a Control.Parallel.Strategies
, i.e. GPU in HaskellBoth Repa and Accelerate come from Manuel Chakravarty. His homepage:
Two interesting findings:
Fist, install zookeeper:
$ wget -c
$ tar xvzf zookeeper-3.3.4.tar.gz
First, install storm dependencies. How do I compile jzmq for ZeroMQ on OSX? helps.
$ brew install zeromq
$ git clone
$ cd jzmq
$ sudo vim /usr/share/aclocal/dirlist (sudo cat > /usr/share/aclocal/dirlist permission denied?)
$ export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/Home
$ mkdir ~/.storm
$ cp conf/storm.yaml ~/.storm
$ ...
$ bin/storm jar word-count.jar WordCountTopology
Storm is designed to be robust, e.g. being able to survive nimbus or supervisor restart. It does accomplish that, except one caveat. Say, I kill nimbus process and alter the content of storm.local.dir
, in where nimbus has stored some states. Then I restart nimbus but it can't run! I guess it's because nimbus' state dir doesn't match those in zookeeper server's. By restarting zookeeper server process, everything works again.
$ bin/plugin -install elasticsearch/elasticsearch-river-wikipedia/1.0.0
$ bin/elasticsearch
$ curl -XPUT
$ curl -XPUT -d '
"type" : "wikipedia"
HBase: The Definitive Guide has a sample application called hush
. But it can't run as is. As this writing, the latest release of HBase is 0.90.5, which lacks certain features the book needs, such as coprocessor. So hush
even can't compile against 0.90.5 HBase jar. It requires HBase 0.91.0-SNAPSHOT. Revision 1130916, to be precise, according to the book's website. Lars George, the author, kindly provides such a distribution in his apache site. But hush
still need some minor tweaks to function properly as advertised.
That's a lot of rough edges. The book should've done better in regard to explain how to run its own sample application. Or it might not be the book's fault. I read somewhere that a team picked another NoSQL database over HBase because they felt HBase has 'too many moving parts'. This is probably still true. Since Hadoop reaches 1.0 several days ago, HBase should be able to impr
$ ssh -D 1080 -fN user@server
autossh seems to be more suitable for this task:
$ autossh -M 20000 -fN -D 1080 -i /path/to/key user@server