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Erik Haliewicz ehaliewicz

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ehaliewicz / fibonacci.dasm
Created April 29, 2012 02:03
fibonacci in dcpu-16 asm
SET A, 0
SET B, 1
SET C, 10 ;; set to 10 to find the tenth fibonacci number
:test IFE C, 0
SET PC, done
;; loop
ehaliewicz / chop-recur.lisp
Created May 23, 2012 02:06
Recursive Binary Search
(defun chop-1 (num tree)
(labels ((recur (num tree start-index)
(if (equalp 0 (length tree)) -1
(let* ((mid-point (truncate (/ (length tree) 2)))
(mid-num (elt tree mid-point)))
((= (length tree) 0) -1)
((= mid-num num) (+ mid-point start-index))
((= (length tree) 1) -1)
((> mid-num num) (recur num (subseq tree 0 mid-point) 0)) ;; check in first half of tree
ehaliewicz /
Created May 24, 2012 03:04
Python FSM parser
# process() kind of parses Tadoku entries
# Character Classes
# 0. Space
# 1. Hash
# 2. Semicolon
# 3. Number
# 4. Other
(defun contains (self value)
(labels ((recur (value current)
(if (null current)
((= value current.value) t)
((< value current.value) (recur value current.left))
(t (recur value current.right))))))
(recur value self.root)))
ehaliewicz / tail-recur.lisp
Created October 28, 2012 00:49
Tail-recursion and mutual recursion macros
;; A couple of silly macros for a language that has defmacro but no tail-recursion
;; the mutual recursion macro is even worse, because you can only really 'call' one of the functions
(defmacro recur (arg-pairs &body body)
(let ((arg-names (mapcar #'car arg-pairs)) ;; extract loop variable names
(arg-vals (mapcar #'cadr arg-pairs))) ;; extract start values
;; block to return from
`(block nil
ehaliewicz / flip-flop.lisp
Last active October 12, 2015 08:27
A flip-flop operator for lisp
(defmacro flip-flop (left right)
"Evaluates to false until the left test is satisfied. Then evaluates to true until the right test is satisfied, etc."
;; create a collision-safe name for our state variable
(let ((state-var (gensym)))
;; create a toplevel variable to keep state of flip-flop
(defvar ,state-var nil))
class Class
def attr_accessor_with_default(attr_name, val)
attr_name = attr_name.to_s
self.class_eval("def #{attr_name}; @#{attr_name} = #{val};end")
self.class_eval("@#{attr_name} = #{val}")
self.class_eval("def #{attr_name}=(val) @#{attr_name} = val end")
ehaliewicz / flood.lisp
Created November 28, 2012 01:43
Random flood fill
;;; recur is like clojure's loop/recur
;;; declare a tail-recursive loop with
;;; (recur ( (var-name (&optional type) init-val) ... more vars))
;;; recur back to the beginning with
;;; (tail-recur (var-name new-value) ... more vars)
;;; (exit &optional val)
;;; leaves the recursion returning either nil, or the given value
ehaliewicz / flood_fill.c
Created November 28, 2012 23:54
Random flood fill
// create stack and other structures
stack_t* draw_stack = (stack_t*)malloc(sizeof(stack_t));
stack_init(draw_stack, (wa.width*wa.height));
stack_element_t random_start;
// push random position onto stack
random_start.x = rand()%wa.width;
random_start.y = rand()%wa.height;
stack_push(draw_stack, random_start);
ehaliewicz / thread.lisp
Last active October 14, 2015 00:58
a simple function threading macro
(defmacro -> (init &rest funcs)
((null funcs) `,init)
((eql 'if (car funcs))
(let* ((gensym (gensym)))
`(-> (let ((,gensym ,init))
(if ,gensym (-> ,gensym ,(cadr funcs))
(-> ,gensym ,(caddr funcs)))
,@(cdddr funcs)))))
((and (consp (car funcs)) (not (eql 'lambda (caar funcs))))