The primers are such because they are small and accessible books. They are challenging reads, since they fit a bunch into a tiny footprint, but they are great for the broad strokes of understanding the US's role in oppression and genocide both within our country and worldwide.
It is important to know that sexism and racism are pieces to the larger picture of oppression, which is why some books about those topics are added to the deeper dives.
Resources on Marxism and anarchy are provided as starting points, but by no means cover all the alternatives to capitalism. I personally identify as an anarchist. After having read more into the Marxist-Leninist school of thought, I realized I could not condone the creation of a State - to me, power and hierarchy are what have caused the problems we see today. The more I am a part of the anarchist community, especially one where ecological stewardship and social liberation are combined, I realize that the kind of future we desperately